
Demand Optimisation: Rational Testing Approaches in Pathology November 2018

Demand optimisation in the context of pathology testing offers the potential to maximise appropriate testing and minimise inappropriate testing. In turn, this will support optimal clinical care and drive more effective use of scarce healthcare resources. The aim of this workshop is to showcase examples of innovative good practice in optimising diagnostic test use, for information and to inspire participants to engage in similar work.

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29th November 2018
Venue: Royal College of Pathologists

At this workshop, participants will learn about the current approaches and strategic plans for demand optimisation in pathology, predominantly, but not exclusively, at the interface between laboratories and primary care. Participants will contribute to the establishment of RCPath/RCGP work stream priorities and working groups to deliver high-quality guidance and other interventions for demand optimisation in pathology.

Event contact details

Kristen Pontello Telephone: 0207 451 6715 Event website


Royal College of Pathologists 6 Alie Street London E1 8QT