
Science week celebrations

Science week celebrations
14 March 2018
Read how IBMS members promoted Healthcare Science Week and British Science Week

9-18th March saw celebrations around the UK of Healthcare Science Week and British Science Week. Universities, hospitals, laboratories and staff celebrated in different ways, ranging from blog posts to school visits and hosting laboratory tours.

Here’s how some of our members promoted biomedical science:

Julie Miller hosted a biomedical science themed stand for local university students.
She said, “Salford University held a careers day during Healthcare Science Week for students in the School of Environment and Life Sciences. Over 125 students attended the event and I lost my voice promoting Biomedical Science to as many as possible of them in one afternoon! With the help of lots of IBMS leaflets and a few goodies, hopefully there a few more prospective biomedical scientists in the North West of England.”

Andrew Moran gave a careers talk to students in Salford for Healthcare Science Week, to engage students in the role of a biomedical scientist and the work they do.

Natasha Waterhouse shared a picture of her daughter enjoying British Science Week at her local school.

Jo Horne produced a blog post on women in healthcare science.

Ravind Bhangal was featured on the Health Careers website.

Michael Smith is featured on the Sheffield Training Hospital's facebook page.

Jess Gill shared a   blog post   about the activities she and her colleagues held during Healthcare Science Week at NHS Blood and Transplant (Bristol).
She said, “…we collaborated with many schools, colleges and universities across the country inspiring the younger generations of upcoming scientists and showing them that transfusion science is fun!”

Chris Chase educated visitors about biomedical science and the profession at a careers fair held at Wyke College, Hull.

Jane Fielding hosted a stand on biomedical science at Royal Oldham Hospital.

Kinnari Bhatt, Laura Wellerling and biochemistry staff hosted an informative stand at Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital.

Kobinath Somasundaram gave a talk to visitors at St Thomas’ Hospital in London.

Tina Osadolor and her colleagues gave a talk on nuclear medicine at Redcliffe School for National Science Week.  Her colleague Robert said, "We talked a little bit about chemistry, some physics, from that into what x-rays are, a little biology, and eventually what Nuclear Medicine & PET/CT scans are. 
It was great fun to speak to the girls about science, they were really knowledgeable, engaging, and asked some really great questions about imaging in hospital.
The girls were at an age where they’re just beginning to have an understanding of science, so it was nice to give some encouragement, and hopefully generate some interest and inspiration."

Hayley Pincott promoted pathology and biomedical science to children to students at an ‘exploring the human body’ event.

Luminita Georgescu and her colleagues (pictured above) conducted pathology tours for secondary school students and organised a stand with promotional leaflets and photos for the public in the hospital main atrium at Royal Bournemouth Hospital.

Susan Smith and her colleagues at Leeds Teaching Hospitals (LTH NHS Trust) celebrated Healthcare Science Week 2018 at lunchtime every day with careers information and examples of equipment and devices used in their day-to-day role in patient healthcare.
Susan said, “These were held on both main sites Jubilee Wing foyer at Leeds General Infirmary and Bexley Wing foyer at St James Hospital and supported by 6 different departments.”

Did you celebrate British Science Week or Healthcare Science Week? If so, share your experience and pictures with us and we’ll promote your activities in this news story.

Are you planning to take part in future events to promote biomedical science? Learn how you can get involved. IBMS members can request free promotional items for their events. For any questions, contact us at

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