
Events on 8 October 2019

Quality control in serology laboratory presentation

Quality control in serology laboratory presentation, given at the IBMS London Branch Virology Discussion Group on 4th June 2019

Women: a Cartography

An exhibition on the visual and creative interpretation of cellular pathology specimens

Introduction to Practical HPLC Course – 2 Days - October 2019

Day 1: Set up and run an Isocratic external standard
Day 2: Analyse real samples and quantify the analytes
using the calibration set up on the previous day.

UK NEQAS Clinical Chemistry Roadshow Manchester 2019

We will be explaining the mechanics of the Schemes, including how the statistics are calculated and how to interpret your reports to assist you in troubleshooting.

We will showcase some of the added value extras that the Schemes provide; we are not just a numbers-only service.

We want to give you the chance to ask questions from us on any topic, but perhaps with particular emphasis on how we can assist you in your day job and how to help you with the demands of ISO15189.