
Events on 27 November 2019

Quality control in serology laboratory presentation

Quality control in serology laboratory presentation, given at the IBMS London Branch Virology Discussion Group on 4th June 2019

Point of Care Testing Biopod Vol 1

The IBMS Biopod is a monthly podcast for members. Each episode will feature experts from the field discussing their research and talking about the latest developments.

Update in Cervical Cytology for Pathologists, Consultant BMS’s & holders of the Advanced Specialist Diploma in Cytology November 2019

Formal Training Day with an update on current issues and a workshop covering various morphological pitfalls in cervical cytology.

UK NEQAS Cellular Pathology Technique TEM workshop 2

This workshop provides a basic introduction to the theory and application of electron microscopy in diagnostic pathology

Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Transfusion Medicine User Group Meeting

Our aim is to build upon our partnerships, bringing together members of the Transfusion Medicine community to share knowledge and expertise.

The meeting will comprise of presentations from the user community and Ortho staff members, including case studies, workflow analysis and open discussions.