
Events on 18 June 2020

Quality control in serology laboratory presentation

Quality control in serology laboratory presentation, given at the IBMS London Branch Virology Discussion Group on 4th June 2019

Point of Care Testing Biopod Vol 1

The IBMS Biopod is a monthly podcast for members. Each episode will feature experts from the field discussing their research and talking about the latest developments.

Beginners Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

The course will provide a sound knowledge of the basics behind IHC and participants will leave having gained the skills to perform and manipulate IHC on tissue to identify one antigen/cellular component in a single tissue section.

Practical and Clinical Microbiology of Anaerobes (P&CMAn) 2020

This 2 day residential course is delivered by the UK Anaerobe Reference Unit (UKARU) aimed at Scientists and Medical professionals seeking to expand their knowledge of all aspects of anaerobic bacteria.