IBMS e-students inspired by 'Biomedical Scientist Magazine'
IBMS eStudent members at the University of Salford have created a new high-quality science magazine modelled on The Biomedical Scientist.
The students created the project in response to the coronavirus restrictions, which meant they were not getting to spend time together as they usually would.
The students told the IBMS:
"It is really exciting to be part of the first-ever student-led Biomedicine Magazine. The subject that we study is practical-based and with restrictions in place that limit our access to a laboratory we identified a need for a platform where we can air our views and discuss topics that are important to us."
Interview with Aimee Pinnington LIBMS
Biomedical Science Teaching Fellow Aimee Pinnington co-led the project, guiding and advising students. Aimee discusses how the magazine came about, what it hopes to achieve and how it has led to continuing student engagement with the IBMS.
What is your role?
I joined the team at Salford in 2020 as a Teaching Fellow in Biomedical Science. Alongside my work at Salford, I work as a Specialist Biomedical Scientist at Royal Stoke University Hospital where I specialise in Haematology and Blood Transfusion, with a particular interest in Morphology.
Tell us a bit more about the project
I have been working with our Biomed Society and several IBMS eStudent members to produce a magazine this term inspired by the IBMS membership magazine The Biomedical Scientist. This has been a student-led initiative, with some guidance from myself and other academics. I am keen to celebrate their achievements on what I think is a fantastic magazine.
Where did the idea for the magazine originate and what did the students hope to achieve?
The idea originated from Dr Sara Namvar, lead for student engagement in Biosciences, and I co-led the project. We wanted to create a project to help students engage with one another during these strange times when face-to-face interaction has been limited. The magazine has helped showcase writing and design skills, wider science engagement, and promoted the work of Biomedical Science in various sectors.
How would you describe the magazine and who is it aimed at?
The Bioscientist Magazine is written by students of The Biomed Society, for students across the University of Salford, to help navigate University life and careers beyond. The magazine explores various themes, including scientific advancement, climate change, careers advice, and personal improvement.
Who was involved in producing it?
They were led by the editorial team of Caitlin Owen, Nadia Patel, and Bruce Veloso, featuring contributions from several student members of The Biomed Society and staff members.
How many editions are you planning to create?
The magazine will be issued quarterly, with our next issue due out around March 2021.
How has the magazine helped students to engage with the IBMS and the profession?
Creation of this magazine has allowed several students to engage in conversations around IBMS careers and promoted Biomedical Scientists' work, amongst some other related professions. Several contributors are e-student members of the IBMS.
How can we read the magazine?
Visit the Issuu website to view the latest edition of the magazine.