Ultrastructural Pathology

Last updated: 9th October 2023

The Institute’s Diploma of Expert Practice in Ultrastructural Pathology provides evidence of the attainment of both the necessary scientific and clinical knowledge underpinning the practice of ultrastructural pathology, with the practical competence required to accurately assess and comment on the ultrastructural pathology of samples from the optional module(s) studied. Possession of this diploma will enable you to apply for an appropriate post. Candidates who achieve the IBMS DEP in Ultrastructural Pathology will amongst other attributes be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the ultrastructural appearance of samples studied in the optional module(s) and know what images are required for each case
  • Use specialised knowledge to write a descriptive ultrastructural report of the case being examined, including features seen and not seen, to enable accurate histological reporting

Eligibility Criteria: The qualification constitutes an expert role for biomedical scientists with the requirement to undertake additional duties and responsibilities as part of their professional practice. The minimum requirements are:

  • registration with the HCPC as a biomedical scientist
  • Membership (MIBMS) or Fellowship (FIBMS) of the Institute of Biomedical Science
  • have at least three years whole time equivalent post-registration experience in histology
  • have at least two years current practical experience in ultrastructural pathology

Assessment: The examination of an IBMS Diploma of Expert Practice in Ultrastructural Pathology involves a portfolio assessment and two written examinations (covering the mandatory and optional modules)

Guidance to Candidates and Trainers: The document provides information to candidates and their supervisors on the qualification including the portfolio requirements and the standards against which this will be assessed and the nature of the written examination. It can be found here.

Presentation:  Tracey de Haro (Specialist Scientific Lead for Electron Microscopy at the University Hospitals of Leicester) delivered a presentation on the qualification to the Association of Clinical Electron Microscopists in Liverpool in June 2023. A copy of that presentation can be found here.

Training Logbook: A reference copy of the logbook for this qualification can be found here. 

The logbook order form can be found here.