CONGRESS 2023 - New ROSE specialist module
The requirement of extensive and complex testing on cytology samples is widely and routinely recognised. ROSE performed by scientists in the clinical setting provides a standardised, clinically effective, reproducible methodology for a variety of anatomical sites, some of which cytology is the only modality for sampling.
Real-time adequacy assessment eliminates the need for more invasive or repeat procedures by ensuring sufficient cell yield is obtained to conduct all the tests required for ancillary and molecular testing. This streamlines the patient pathway by reducing the referral to treatment time and reduces waiting list pressures, resulting in cost reduction for healthcare trusts and improved patient care and outcomes.
The presentation will explore the new IBMS ROSE qualification with the aim to inspire scientists to become skilled in ROSE.
Real-time adequacy assessment eliminates the need for more invasive or repeat procedures by ensuring sufficient cell yield is obtained to conduct all the tests required for ancillary and molecular testing. This streamlines the patient pathway by reducing the referral to treatment time and reduces waiting list pressures, resulting in cost reduction for healthcare trusts and improved patient care and outcomes.
The presentation will explore the new IBMS ROSE qualification with the aim to inspire scientists to become skilled in ROSE.
CONGRESS 2023 - Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) – how does the clinical biochemistry laboratory inform clinical decisions?
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome is one of the most dangerous complications associated with assisted conception using invitro fertilisation (IVF). If not managed appropriately it can even lead to death of the women developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Clinical Biochemistry aids significantly in the diagnosis and management of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
This presentation aims to summarise the role of various biochemical parameters that are used routinely in the diagnosis and management of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
This presentation aims to summarise the role of various biochemical parameters that are used routinely in the diagnosis and management of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
CONGRESS 2023 - Overcoming challenges to passing cervical cytology exams
Overcoming challenges to passing cervical cytology exams
CONGRESS 2023 - Overcoming challenges to passing diagnostic cytology exams
Overcoming challenges to passing diagnostic cytology exams
CONGRESS 2023 - Pathology of Head & Neck – Histology & Cytology
The aim for this session is to carry on with the patient’s journey to final diagnosis. This presentation will discuss how the valuable material obtained from ROSE clinics are utilised in making a diagnosis and provide prognostic/treatment related information.
With the use of a number of examples, this presentation will illustrate how cytology impacts on patient’s management pathway, and how a standardised reporting system could be useful in unifying diagnostic pathways and performing future work on audit and quality improvement.
Finally, the strengths and limitations of head and neck cytology from the perceptive of a histo/cytopathologist will be discussed
With the use of a number of examples, this presentation will illustrate how cytology impacts on patient’s management pathway, and how a standardised reporting system could be useful in unifying diagnostic pathways and performing future work on audit and quality improvement.
Finally, the strengths and limitations of head and neck cytology from the perceptive of a histo/cytopathologist will be discussed
CONGRESS 2023 - Perspectives on the Borderline Endocervical Cell Classification
Perspectives on the Borderline Endocervical Cell Classification
CONGRESS 2023 - Quality in IT procurement
This lecture will provide context and understanding of the processes and practices used within Northumbria Healthcare for ensuring Quality is underpinned throughout the procurement process within Pathology IT. Including:
Lessons learned from previous projects
Learning from others
Contract Development
Frameworks and Technical Standards
Lessons learned from previous projects
Learning from others
Contract Development
Frameworks and Technical Standards
CONGRESS 2023 - Reflection on a Journey from Trainee Biomedical Scientist to Consultant Clinical Scientist
This presentation will give:
Training requirements for Biomedical Scientists and Clinical Scientists
Insight into how the skills of a Biomedical Scientist enabled development toward Consultant Clinical Scientist.
Training requirements for Biomedical Scientists and Clinical Scientists
Insight into how the skills of a Biomedical Scientist enabled development toward Consultant Clinical Scientist.
CONGRESS 2023 - Regulation of in vitro diagnostic medical devices in the UK
The safety and performance of diagnostic devices used in pathology (equipment, software, reagents etc) is assured through regulation. The UK is developing a new set of regulations that will completely change how the safety and performance of diagnostic devices can be demonstrated. Regulations will have an impact on procurement and availability and will affect how new products can be developed in pathology facilities.
CONGRESS 2023 - Reporting direct to the patient
In recent years, healthcare policy has been moving towards the concept of patients being able to receive their pathology test results directly, it is likely that pathology providers may need to consider the communication of some laboratory test results directly to patients.
This is a very different group of people to what pathology providers are used to. Expansion of concepts such as reference intervals and what is significant need to be explored in the context of a more general audience.
This is a very different group of people to what pathology providers are used to. Expansion of concepts such as reference intervals and what is significant need to be explored in the context of a more general audience.
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