Affiliated university societies

Last updated: 14th November 2023

Supporting IBMS Accredited university degree course societies

To enhance the support and resources we offer our eStudent members, we have developed a package of support and services tailored for biomedical science societies. 

Benefits of IBMS affiliation

The IBMS student society affiliation scheme offers:

  • Promotional items to support your society events
  • Help with sourcing speakers and sponsors 
  • Opportunities to input into IBMS publicity materials aimed at students
  • Promotion of your events and publications 
  • Connection with local IBMS region and branch and opportunities for attending their events 
  • First to find out about IBMS Congress Student Event and book before it sells out
  • Links with local employers

Sign up

Use our online form to join 



Being an IBMS Affiliated Student Society has made our amateur student society more professional. The Institute has provided us with external speakers, career leaflets, and other merchandises. Their support helped us organise events for our members to speak to the industry professionals. It has been wonderful to work with the IBMS.

Priya, President of University of Westminster's student affiliate society