Science Council registration
Demonstrate high levels of professional practice and ethical standards
Professional registration with the Science Council demonstrates your commitment to high ethical standards and continuing professional development (CPD). It also shows you keep your skills up to date and you maintain standards of integrity in your practice, which gives the public confidence in your work.
Benefits of Science Council registration
There are a number of ways becoming professionally registered with the Science Council will benefit your practice and professional development.
Science Council registration:
- provides a recognised mark of quality and competence that is highly sought after by employers
- recognises your professional knowledge and experience
- reflects your workplace experience and levels of competence
- provides independent recognition that you have achieved and maintain the Science Council's standards
- demonstrates your ethical commitment and integrity.
Find the right register
Registered Science Technician (RSci Tech)
RSciTech is the right register for you if you:
- are an Associate member of the IBMS and committed to CPD
- hold at least one year's professional experience
- hold a level 3 qualification or equivalent.
Registered Scientist (RSci)
RSci is the right register for you if you:
- are an Associate, Licentiate or Member of the IBMS and committed to CPD,
- have two years' professional experience
- hold a level 5 qualification or equivalent.
Chartered Scientist (CSci)
CSci is the right register for you if you:
- are a Member or Fellow of the IBMS and have evidence of commitment to CPD for 2 years prior to your application,
- have at least 4 years' post-graduate professional experience
- hold a level 7 qualification or equivalent level vocational qualification.