Position Statements
This is your profession and we are your voice
The IBMS is open to hearing and addressing our members’ issues and representing the profession’s interests across the four nations, and beyond.
To support and accomplish this, all IBMS members can ask the IBMS to make a public statement or write an opinion piece. If accepted, the IBMS will produce and publish a response that presents our official position on the subject raised.
Before you submit a request
Your topic for a position statement or opinion piece must be of significance to a majority of our membership or to a single discipline or professional group within the membership, and be a key issue for the IBMS to address.
Suggestions and the rationale for topics should be emailed to communications@ibms.org entitled “IBMS Position Statement” where it will be considered by IBMS Chief Executive David Wells and IBMS Council members – who will then decide upon the suitability of the proposal within 5 working days.
If accepted, a suitable lead author will be appointed - usually from the IBMS Council, panels or staff. The lead author will have 14 days to respond and then send their statement/piece to Council for approval. Unless revisions are requested, the statement will be published within a further 5 working days.
View our current position statements.