
Last updated: 14th August 2024

The IBMS is committed to open and transparent governance

The Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) is a company limited by guarantee and a charity.

Governance in the IBMS

The governing documents of the IBMS are a Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.

Together they provide the Institute with a legal identity and specific powers.

IBMS governance arrangements are regularly reviewed to ensure they are fit for purpose and in line with latest best practice guidance.

Governance in the IBMS sets out current processes and procedures adopted by IBMS Council and contains role details for all those that volunteer their time on behalf of the IBMS.


IBMS Council and governance  

The IBMS Council is the governing body of the IBMS and its role is to ensure that the IBMS is effectively led, properly run and meets the need for which the IBMS was set up:

To promote the study and development of biomedical science.

Council members, as trustees, take ultimate responsibility for the governance of the IBMS. 

The Council is responsible for setting the strategic direction and agreeing the corporate objectives of the IBMS.

As part of our commitment to open and transparent governance, the IBMS allows observers to attend Council and Committee meetings.

Find out more about IBMS Council and Committees


Good governance

Fundamental to the effective operation of the IBMS, good governance means:

  • focusing on the organisation’s purpose
  • performing effectively in clearly defined roles<
  • taking informed, transparent decisions and managing risk
  • promoting values and demonstrating them through behaviours
  • engaging stakeholders and making accountability real
  • developing the capacity and capability of the governing body to be effective
  • upholding the Nolan principles of public life

Register of Interests, Gifts and Hospitality

As part of our commitment to open and transparent governance, the IBMS maintains a Register of Interests, Gifts and Hospitality.

The IBMS Register of Interests, Gifts and Hospitality enables IBMS Council members to make a clear declaration of any interests (their own or those of close family members), gifts or hospitality that could, or could be thought to, influence the performance of their duties as Council members.

The Register of Interests is available in paper copy on request from the IBMS Chief Executive’s office. The register is also available for inspection at the IBMS offices on request.


If you have any questions about governance in the IBMS please contact