Advertising CPD events and courses

Last updated: 5th April 2022

The IBMS Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Scheme is in place for our members to use as an easily accessible digital archive and information centre – where you can log in to record and save your CPD activities or look for further chances to develop yourself professionally. We welcome any applications for biomedical science related events and courses that could be beneficial to our members

Are you an event organiser or course provider?

We want to help our members meet the CPD requirements for maintaining their HCPC registration so feel free to submit a “CPD Events and Courses Form” to reach a wider audience for your biomedical science related event or course. The benefits of submission will mean your activity is searchable as an event on our website or in the CPD activities section using chosen keywords and phrases. You can find the application form below.

Can I register my lunchtime meeting or internal training course as a CPD Event or Course?

There is no need to submit an application for a closed meeting or internal training course. CPD users are expected to add their own CPD activities to their CPD digital archive. If you want your attendees to gain CPD through your internal meeting or course, remind them to record a CPD activity when they get home and perhaps provide them with a hand-out detailing your learning outcomes and some potential subjects to reflect on. We have a “CPD Events and Courses Attendance Sheet” that might be useful for your attendees/learners below.

What happened to CPD credits and ‘recognition’?

Our CPD Scheme has adapted to fully reflect the needs of our members and the CPD requirements of HCPC registration. We no longer award credits to recognise CPD activities because it is up to our members to decide upon the value of their CPD and reflect on how they have developed professionally through their activities. CPD reflects the personal choices an individual has made to enhance their knowledge and practice, advance their career and professional engagement, and explore their pathway through a workplace that continues to change and evolve. 

Do the IBMS still give credits for CPD activities?

CPD codes and credits have been defunct since May 2016. Valid CPD Diplomas are now an acknowledgement of having completed 24 activities within 24 months – with reflective writing for each activity and spanning at least 3 of the 5 CPD categories (formal education, professional activity, work based learning, self-directed learning and other). 

Why did you keep the IBMS CPD Diplomas?

We still think IBMS CPD diplomas are a great way to structure and incentivise the scheme. They form a framework intended to guide our members in how to approach their CPD; encouraging them to do consistent amounts and varied types of CPD activities. Completed correctly, an IBMS CPD Diploma should meet a member’s CPD requirements for maintaining their HCPC registration. In the event of an HCPC audit you can simply log in, click to download the file and then have all the information you need at hand.

Do the IBMS still issue CPD certificates for events and courses?

Prior to the May 2016 changes, when an IBMS CPD Diploma consisted of 250 credits, CPD certificates were distributed to event organisers and course providers to pass on to their attendees/learners as proof that they had gained CPD credits. After the May 2016 changes, we continued to issue CPD certificates to event organisers and course providers in the form of non-credit based attendance slips so that attendees/learners could take home the correct information about their CPD activity and have it to hand when adding CPD to their online diploma. We have now discontinued CPD certificates and replaced them with the expanded and more useful “CPD Events and Courses Attendance Sheet”. Event organisers and course providers can download this information sheet (below) and give completed versions out to their attendees/learners but they are also free to put together their own attendance and reflective practice sheets.