
Events on 26 September 2017

Déjà vu, or a sensitive subject?

Déjà vu, or a sensitive subject? Introducing Technology Congress 2017

Successful Validation of MWE’s Sigma Transwab on the WASP 1

Successful Validation of MWE’s Sigma Transwab® on the WASP® Introducing Technology Congress 2017

Rapid zygosity testing of the Rhesus blood group system using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR)

Rapid zygosity testing of the Rhesus blood group system using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) Introducing Technology Congress 2017

Navigating the PD-L1 testing landscape, a pharmDx solution for immunotherapy

Navigating the PD-L1 testing landscape, a pharmDx solution for immunotherapy Introducing Technology Congress 2017

4th edition Registration Training Portfolio Hall 4 Congress 2017

4th edition Registration Training Portfolio Hall 4 Congress 2017
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