Events during November 2020

National Pathology Week 2020

This year’s National Pathology Week offers a fantastic opportunity for members to share their work #AtTheHeartOfHealthcare

IBMSpod - Episode 1

In Episode 1 of the all-new IBMSpod Rob and Jordan chat to AH Biomedical Scientist of the Year Dr Guy Orchard. In a wide-ranging conversation, Guy discussed how a trip to the local delicatessen inspired him to develop two new pathology products patented for clinical use. Guy also talked about his motivations and passions for the field and how science can be like painting.

UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations- Chairs Strategy Working Group Meeting November 2020

Working group to develop standards for clinical and diagnostic microbiology laboratories

COVID-19: results of LAMP and Lateral Flow Devices validation and evaluation

Joint Royal College of Pathology and British Infection Association Webinar

IBMS Support Hub - Evidence

IBMS Support Hub - Evidence

Biomedical Scientist consultation

Proposals relating to the supply and administration of medicines under patient group directions

The Biomedical Scientist Live

The four day digital event will feature content aimed at all IBMS members and will be free to attend

Standardising pathology test results

NHSX and NHS Digital have a programme to implement standards for pathology messaging of test requests and results across the system and for the standards to be UK wide.

How to Reflect - 2020

If you struggle to reflect and write reflectively, come along to our session to learn approaches that may help.

Laboratory Approval Q & A

The laboratory approval process will be de-mystified

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