
IBMS Verifiers and Examiners: Suzi Wilson

IBMS Verifiers and Examiners: Suzi Wilson
5 January 2024
This Year, we're celebrating the amazing contributions of our verifiers and examiners and asking them about the vital work they do on behalf of the profession

What is your name, job role and where do you work?

Suzi Wilson, Deputy Lead Biomedical Scientist, Barnsley & Rotherham (BRILS) Histology.

Why did you get involved in completing IBMS verifications / examinations in the first instance?

I got involved in verifying both registration and specialist portfolios initially to be more knowledgeable about the portfolios so that I could help staff completing them in my department. I also wanted to learn more about how other labs support staff training and look for good practice to share with my department. 

Would you say your practice or your workplace has benefited from your involvement in verifications / examinations?

Yes, the reasons for me starting to verify portfolios (above) continue to be my motivation - I believe our department’s trainees and the department as a whole has benefited from the good practice that I have seen and shared after verification visits.

What's your favourite thing about being an IBMS verifier / examiner?

I enjoy seeing how happy and relieved each candidate is when I give them good feedback after all the hard work that they have put into the portfolio. 

Would you recommend becoming an IBMS verifier / examiner to others?

I would definitely recommend becoming a verifier, not only to help more people get into the career but to benefit yourself as a trainer and to benefit your own department. 

If you want to find out more about the eligibility criteria and download the application form to become an IBMS Verifier or Examiner click here>>>

Please also feel free to watch these refresher training resources we have provided for our existing verifiers and examiners:

IBMS Training for Trainers - Verifiers : Part 1

IBMS Training for Trainers - Verifiers : Part 2

IBMS Training for Trainers - Specialist Portfolio Assessors

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