IBMS response to NHS Improvement letter

Last updated: 8th September 2017

IBMS response to the NHS Improvement letter “Establishing and implementing 29 Pathology networks across England.”

The IBMS recognises the scale and potential impact of the pathology reconfiguration plans for the NHS in England set out today in the document from NHS Improvement (NHSI). Dr Jeremy Marlow, Executive Director of Operational Productivity, NHSI outlined in a letter to all Trusts across England a proposed network consolidation model which identifies 29 pathology networks each of which will run as a hub and spoke model.

Whilst NHSI’s stated intention is to deliver increased value for money and high-quality services for patients, the Institute’s focus must remain on supporting its members who may be facing changes to their roles and skills requirement while continuing to deliver the highest standards of patient care.

Mr Ian Sturdgess, IBMS President said: “We will equip our members to manage this in the most effective way possible. Quality of service remains our priority and cannot be compromised. It is our professional responsibility to uphold standards”.

The Institute will offer its support to the proposed networks to help define the staffing resources required to maintain quality of services and the delivery of training necessary for the new model of service delivery.

We will continue to support our all members by providing support and guidance to them and encouraging collaboration and the sharing of best practice.  

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