
Connect through your IBMS branch to our network of local biomedical scientists, support staff and students 

Your local IBMS branch will organise scientific meetings and social events, providing an opportunity to network and exchange ideas with IBMS members from your local branch. It will also organise and offer support for members taking part in public engagement activities in local schools, universities and hospitals.  


Get involved with your local branch

Getting involved with your local branch will provide opportunities to develop a range of skills; from leadership to presentation and public speaking.

There are a number of ways you can get involved, including; joining your local branch's committee, organising or speaking at a branch event and taking part in careers events and other public engagement activities in your local area.

If you want to get involved with your local IBMS branch please contact your local committee the using email address listed on your branch's webpage.


What's happening in my local branch? 

You can find local events, news stories, forum threads discussing local issues and useful documents listed under your local branch's webpage.  

Log in and click on your local branch on the left-hand menu or in the listing below for all the latest local information.


Not sure which branch you belong to?

Log in and go to MyIBMS - your Region and Branch will be displayed on the right-hand side of the MyIBMS page.

Branch not listed?

We currently have the following inactive branches: Australia, Bristol, Cambridge, Cleveland, Coventry & Warwickshire, Cyprus, Dorset, Dublin, Dundee & Tayside, East Kent, Essex & Suffolk, Hertfordshire, Lancashire, Limerick, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, North Staffordshire, Oman, Oxford, Portsmouth & Chichester, Reading, Southampton, Sudan, Tyneside and Wiltshire. 
If you are interested in getting involved with any of these branches please contact for more information. 


List of IBMS Branches

List of Branches

Aberdeen Branch


Chair: Glenn Ross
Secretary: Isla Bruce
Treasurer: Louise Reid

Birmingham Branch


Chair: Kathryn Dudley
Secretary: Jayne Parkes
Treasurer: Helena Kilgariff

Cornwall Branch


Chair: Malcolm Owen
Secretary: Lindsay Whittaker
Treasurer: Malcolm Owen

Cumbria Branch


Chair: Nicola Norman
Secretary: Melissa Blaylock and Stephen Wesley
Treasurer: Elizabeth Berry

Derby & Nottingham Branch

Derby & Nottingham

Chair: Colin Mudd
Secretary: David Anderson
Treasurer: Colin Mudd

Dundee & Tayside

Dundee & Tayside

Chair: currently vacant
Secretary: Derek Foote
Treasurer: John McGregor

Durham Branch


Chair: David Robinson
Secretary: currently vacant
Treasurer: Debra Padgett

East Yorkshire Branch

East Yorkshire

Chair: Joanna Andrew
Secretary: currently vacant
Treasurer: Alison Eyre

Fife Branch


Chairman: Jamie Graham
Secretary: Gillian Liston
Treasurer: Roslyn Devlin

Gibraltar Branch


Chair: Audrey Olivares-Smith
Secretary: Norbert Sene
Treasurer: Natalie Soiza

Guernsey Branch


Chair: Terence Castanha
Secetary: Andrew Scheffer
Treasurer: Andrew Scheffer

Hong Kong Branch

Hong Kong

Chair: Christina Long Leung
Secretary: Josiah Chang
Treasurer: Kristi Lai

Inverness & North Scotland Branch

Inverness & North Scotland

Chair & Secretary: Brian Morrison

Isle of Man Branch

Isle of Man

Chair: Hillary Gale
Secretary: Charlie Houston
Treasurer: Bev Straw
CPD Officer: Fiona Reynolds

Leicester, Northants & Rutland Branch

Leicester, Northants & Rutland

Chair: Colin Mudd
Secretary: Caroline Stenson
Treasurer: Laura Saberton

Lothian & Borders Branch

Lothian & Borders

Chair: Tiffany Pietrek
Vice Chair: Jordan Moir
Secretary: Keira McAllister
Treasurer: Steven Swanson

Manchester Branch


Chair: Michelle Brereton
Secretary: Tahmina Hussain
Treasurer: Allison Gaskell

Merseyside Branch


Chair: Dave Eccleston
Secretary: Jane Harrision-Williams
Treasurer: Rosamund Anderson

North Staffordshire Branch

North Staffordshire

Chairperson: Aimee Pinnington
Secretary: Nichola Lawrence
Treasurer: Sara Smith

North Wales Branch

North Wales

Chair: David Williams
Secretary: Jade Roberts
Treasurer: Arfon Jones

Northern Ireland Branch

Northern Ireland

Chair: Una Porter
Secretary: Denise Fuenzalida
Treasurer: Glen McDowell
CPD officer: Claire Megarity
Social media officer: Nicole O’Doherty

Reading Branch


Chair: Lavanya Kanapathypillai
Treasurer: Vania Costa-Krol

Sheffield Branch


Chair: Margaret Hunt
Secretary: Paul Bownes
Treasurer: Daniel Firth

South East Wales Branch

South East Wales

Chair: Teresa Russell
Secretary: Lorna Vale
Treasurer: Lauren Duddridge-Page

Sussex Branch


Chair: Joyce Overfield
Secretary: Simonne Weeks
Treasurer: Sarah Ward

West Scotland Branch

West of Scotland

Chair: Laura Jane Scott
Secretary: Claire McKie
Treasurer: Nicola Small

West Riding Branch

West Riding

Chair: Robert Rajch
Secretary: Zeshaan Ejaz
Treasurer: Amanda Simpson

West Wales Branch

West Wales

Chair: Paula Griffiths
Secretary: Ruth Evans
Treasurer: Cath Dunning