Discussion groups

List of Discussion groups

Central Cellular Pathology

Central Cellular Pathology

Group for members based in the Midlands with an interest in cellular pathology

Scottish Training Officers Discussion Group

IBMS Scotland Training Forum

Chair: Dr Mairiead MacLennan
Secretary: Sharon Young
Treasurer: Lynne Taylor

Lancashire Cellular Pathology

Lancashire Cellular Pathology

For members in Lancashire with an interest in cellular pathology

London Region Cellular Pathology Discussion Group

London Cellular Pathology

For members in the London Region with an interest in cellular pathology

Find out more at: http://cellpathlondon.com/

London Region Virology Discussion Group

London Virology

Convener: Simon Parker
Membership Secretary: Alison Sargeant

Manchester Bacteriology Discussion Group

Manchester Bacteriology

A group for members in the Manchester with an interest in bacteriology

Northern Ireland Microbiology Discussion Group
Scottish Heamatology Lab Managers Discussion Group

Scottish Heamatology Lab Managers

Group for Haematology Lab Managers in Scotland

Scottish Immunology Discussion Group

Scottish Immunology

Chair: Jane Macmillan
Secretary: George Carmichael

Scottish Quality Management Discussion Group

Scottish Quality Management Discussion Group

Chair: Pamela Craig
Secretary: Graham Walker
Treasurer: Louise Reid

Sheffield Microbe Symposia Discussion Group

Sheffield Microbe Symposia

Chair: Christopher Hughes
Secretary: Joanne Bullivant

Sheffield Microbiology Discussion Group

Sheffield Microbiology

Chair: Christopher Megson
Secretary: Joanne Bullivant

West of Scotland Biochemistry Discussion Group

West of Scotland Biochemistry

Chair: Catherine Williamson
Secretary: Eliane Kennedy

West of Scotland Haematology Discussion Group

West of Scotland Haematology

Chair: Janet MacMillan
Secretary: Graham Walker

West of Scotland Microbiology Discussion Group

West of Scotland Microbiology

Chair: Scott Farrelly
Secretary: Clare McCann

West Riding Histopathology Discussion Group

West Riding Histopathology

Chair/Secretary: Kenneth Eggleton

West Riding Microbiology Discussion Group

West Riding Microbiology

Group for members in West Riding with an interest in microbiology