
List of Groups



Group for IBMS Council members

IBMS CPD Officer Group

CPD Officer

Group for IBMS CPD Officers

CPD User Group

CPD User

Group for members who use the IBMS CPD scheme

IBMS Specialist Portfolio Examiner Group


Group for IBMS Specialist Portfolio Examiners

IBMS Accredited Education providers

IBMS Accredited Education providers

Group for IBMS Accredited Education Providers

Member Engagement Group

Member Engagement Group

The IBMS Member Engagement Group ensures that our members are able to give their views and shape IBMS policy and services in the areas that are most imporant to them.

If you would like to be involved with the Member Engagement Group please contact

Public Engagement Group

Public Engagement Group

Group for members invovled with public engagement activities

IBMS Registration Training Portfolio Verifier Group

Registration Portfolio Verifier

Group for IBMS Registration Training Porfolio Verifiers

Specialst Advisroy Panels

Specialist Advisory Panels

Group for members of the IBMS Specialist Advisory Panels

IBMS Specialist Diploma Examiners

Specialist Diploma Examiner

Group for IBMS Specialist Diploma Examiners

Student Affiliate Societies Group

Student Affiliate Societies

Group for IBMS affiliated student societies