Events in 2021

ACBI virtual annual scientific conference

The first Association of Clinical Biochemists in Ireland (ACBI) conference to be held virtually and will provide delegates with high quality and up to date talks and workshops.

ACBI 43rd Conference

This will be an exciting opportunity to attend to sessions covering a wide variety of topics and to interact with other professionals in the laboratory medicine field.

IBMSPOD - Episode 13

Comedy, Haematology and Andrology with Dave Spikey and Sheryl Homa

Transmission Electron Microscopy Webinar 2021

An in-depth look at the role of Transmission Electron Microscopy in a modern cellular pathology department. What technical challenges are there in preparing tissue for TEM and what diagnostic challenges does TEM have an important role in.

Diagnostic Cytology Beginners / Refresher Webinar

Discussion of preparation techniques for the most commonly encountered cytology specimens. Benign cell found in these samples and the most commonly encountered malignancies.

Diagnostic Cytology Intermediate / Troubleshooting Webinar 2021

Value of BMS participation in a Fine Needle Aspiration ROSE service. How suitably experienced BMS staff can improve the diagnostic accuracy of samples obtained using radiological guidance. How this service can expand the range of diagnostic tests available to the reporting pathologist thus benefitting patient and clinicians.

Biomedical Scientist Empowerment and Discussion Group: Meeting #13, Special Requirements 2021

This group is designed for professionals to talk about the laboratory elements of Blood Transfusion. It promises to be a safe space for learning and development for newly qualified biomedical scientists and those new to transfusion science.

At this meeting, we will be joined by Specialist Biomedical Scientist, Helen Thom of NHSBT RCI. Helen will be leading an education session and discussion on blood group antibody identification.

The Biomedical Scientist Live

We are now just weeks away from the second The Biomedical Scientist Live virtual event, brought to you by the IBMS

Train the Trainer 24th November 2021

A daylong short course aimed at current or prospective trainers in diagnostic laboratories.

Medical Laboratory Assistant - Introductory Course 2021

Allocated as Lecture/Study: 3 hrs 0 mins
Allocated as Q&A/Discussion 2 hrs 0 mins
Allocated as Practical Element 0 hrs 0 mins

Total 5 hrs 0 mins