Events during March 2022
Education & Training Programme Tuesday - IBMS Congress 2022
Chair: Andrew Usher
9.00 New HCPC Standards of Proficiency: Changes, emphasis and impact Alan Wainwright, Executive Head of Education, IBMS
9.30 CPD – what can we learn from other professions?
Gary Strong, College of Paramedics
10.30 Band 6 – finding, keeping, developing Penny Feather,
Path Links Pathology
11.00 Challenges of delivering training with a limited scope service Dr Mairiead MacLennan, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy
11.30 Embedding leadership – training people to lead?
9.00 New HCPC Standards of Proficiency: Changes, emphasis and impact Alan Wainwright, Executive Head of Education, IBMS
9.30 CPD – what can we learn from other professions?
Gary Strong, College of Paramedics
10.30 Band 6 – finding, keeping, developing Penny Feather,
Path Links Pathology
11.00 Challenges of delivering training with a limited scope service Dr Mairiead MacLennan, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy
11.30 Embedding leadership – training people to lead?
Haematology Programme Tuesday - IBMS Congress 2022
Chair: Nikki Lawrence
9.00 Morphology quiz Dr Michelle Brereton, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
10.30 The Integration of Morphology with Immunophenotyping and other modalities in haematological neoplasms
Prof. Barbara Bain, Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust
Drugs and Technology
11.00 Immunodulatory drug resistance in myeloma
Dr Charlotte Pawlyn, The Institute of Cancer Research
11.30 Next-generation sequencing in myeloid neoplasms
Dr Srinivas Pillai, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
9.00 Morphology quiz Dr Michelle Brereton, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
10.30 The Integration of Morphology with Immunophenotyping and other modalities in haematological neoplasms
Prof. Barbara Bain, Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust
Drugs and Technology
11.00 Immunodulatory drug resistance in myeloma
Dr Charlotte Pawlyn, The Institute of Cancer Research
11.30 Next-generation sequencing in myeloid neoplasms
Dr Srinivas Pillai, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Immunology Programme Tuesday - IBMS Congress 2022
Chair: Alison Cox
9.00 Hereditary angioedema
Dr Patrick Yong, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
9.30 Allergy component refresher
Dr Graeme Wild, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
10.30 Autoimmunity testing on a mutidisciplinary track Dipti Patel, North West London Pathology
11.00 Choosing wisely
– an immunology perspective
Chris Scott, East and South East London Pathology Partnership
11.30 Type 1 Interferon Regulation in SLE and its wider implications in autoimmune disease
Dr Antony Psarras, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
9.00 Hereditary angioedema
Dr Patrick Yong, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
9.30 Allergy component refresher
Dr Graeme Wild, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
10.30 Autoimmunity testing on a mutidisciplinary track Dipti Patel, North West London Pathology
11.00 Choosing wisely
– an immunology perspective
Chris Scott, East and South East London Pathology Partnership
11.30 Type 1 Interferon Regulation in SLE and its wider implications in autoimmune disease
Dr Antony Psarras, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Opening Plenary Programme - IBMS Congress 2022
13.50 Albert Norman Address
Allan Wilson, Past President, Institute of Biomedical Science
14.10 Turning a vision in to a reality
David Wells, Chief Executive, Institute of Biomedical Science
14.20 Equality of recognition: Access to HSST for biomedical scientists
Dr Lisa Ayers, HCS Health Education England Dean for the South West and Training Programme Director for HSST
14.40 The UK response to theCovid-19 pandemic – lessons learned
Professor Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer
15.05 The UK response to the Covid-19 pandemic from a pathology perspective
Professor Jo Martin, National Specialty Advisor for Pathology NHS England and Improvement
16.00 The creation and launch of a Pathology Network Joanna Andrew, Network Lead for Blood Sciences Scarborough, Hull, York Pathology Service
16.20 Integrating molecular diagnostics across hospital pathology
Bruno Ping, Molecular Biologist, Cignpost Diagnostics
16.40 How much does your blood group control your life? Martin Maley, Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences, University of Sunderland
Allan Wilson, Past President, Institute of Biomedical Science
14.10 Turning a vision in to a reality
David Wells, Chief Executive, Institute of Biomedical Science
14.20 Equality of recognition: Access to HSST for biomedical scientists
Dr Lisa Ayers, HCS Health Education England Dean for the South West and Training Programme Director for HSST
14.40 The UK response to theCovid-19 pandemic – lessons learned
Professor Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer
15.05 The UK response to the Covid-19 pandemic from a pathology perspective
Professor Jo Martin, National Specialty Advisor for Pathology NHS England and Improvement
16.00 The creation and launch of a Pathology Network Joanna Andrew, Network Lead for Blood Sciences Scarborough, Hull, York Pathology Service
16.20 Integrating molecular diagnostics across hospital pathology
Bruno Ping, Molecular Biologist, Cignpost Diagnostics
16.40 How much does your blood group control your life? Martin Maley, Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences, University of Sunderland
Laboratory Management Programme Wednesday (Morning) - IBMS Congress 2022
9.00 Decision making in a crisis situation
9.30 Developing confident leadership at all levels
10.30 Positive onboarding – making staff induction an investment for success
Sue Alexander, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
11.00 Lead, follow or get out of the way Glenn Noel-Storr, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Chelsea
11.30 Applying organisation values to your leadership Sue Alexander, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
9.30 Developing confident leadership at all levels
10.30 Positive onboarding – making staff induction an investment for success
Sue Alexander, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
11.00 Lead, follow or get out of the way Glenn Noel-Storr, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Chelsea
11.30 Applying organisation values to your leadership Sue Alexander, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
IBMS Professional Qualifications Seminar Wednesday 10:30am - IBMS Congress 2022
10.30 Study skills for self-directed learning,
Dr Sarah Pitt, University of Brighton
Dr Sarah Pitt, University of Brighton
IBMS Professional Qualifications Seminar Wednesday 11:30am - IBMS Congress 2022
11.30 Planning and delivering laboratory training
Tahmina Hussain, University of Salford
Tahmina Hussain, University of Salford
IBMS Professional Qualifications Seminar Wednesday 11am - IBMS Congress 2022
11.00 On-line learning – how to make it work for you
Dr Victoria Bradley, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Dr Victoria Bradley, Cardiff Metropolitan University
IBMS Professional Qualifications Seminar Wednesday 2pm - IBMS Congress 2022
14.00 The IBMS Registration Training Portfolio – everything you need to know
Alan Wainwright, Executive Head of Education and Richardia Penn, Education Manager, IBMS
Alan Wainwright, Executive Head of Education and Richardia Penn, Education Manager, IBMS
IBMS Professional Qualifications Seminar Wednesday 3pm - IBMS Congress 2022
15.00 Portfolio evidence: the good, the bad and the totally avoid
Wendy Leversuch, Head of Learning and Development Health Services Laboratories LLP
Wendy Leversuch, Head of Learning and Development Health Services Laboratories LLP