Events on 14 January 2023

Biomed Online Learning courses - 1

Biomed Online courses delivered over 12 weeks in following subjects:
• Advanced Human Genetics
• Analysis of Nucleic Acids
• Antibiotics
• Applied Haemostasis and Thrombosis
• Blood Transfusion
• Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis in Healthcare Settings
• Clinical Data Interpretation
• Diabetes and the Clinical Laboratory
• Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
• Diagnostic Haemostasis and Thrombosis
• Governance and Risk Management
• Haemoglobinopathies
• Haemolytic Anaemias
• Haematological Malignancies
• Healthcare Law and Ethics
• Immunocytochemistry in Diagnostic Cellular Pathology
• Implementing Advanced Quality Management
• Lung Disease
• Management of Healthcare Associated Infection
• Managing Learning and Development in Healthcare
• Parasitology
• Point of Care Testing
• Quality Systems Management
• Renal Disease
• Robotics and Automation

Phadia Academy Online Learning Platform

Phadia Academy is an online learning platform by Thermo Fisher Scientific aimed at Lab staff primarily BMSes in Immunology Labs. It includes courses for autoimmune diseases, allergy, and our instruments. We would like to have it as a link on the IBMS webpage, as it was in previous years.