CONGRESS 2023 - Biomarkers, disease severity and triaging the role of mid-regional proadrenomodulin

Last updated: 27th September 2023

There is a lack of validated tools to assess potential disease progression and hospitalisation decisions in patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with a suspected infection. The aim to identify suitable blood biomarkers (MR-proADM, PCT, lactate and CRP) and/ or clinical scores (SIRS, SOFA, qSOFA, NEWS and CRB-65) to fulfil this unmet clinical need and recognising the “ill looking well” and the “well looking ill”. We found in patients presenting to the ED with a suspected infection, the blood biomarker MR-proADM could most accurately identify the likelihood of further disease progression. Incorporation into an early sepsis management protocol may therefore aid rapid decision-making in order to either initiate, escalate or intensify early treatment strategies, or identify patients suitable for safe out-patient treatment. There is currently a randomised controlled trial to assess the accuracy of the above findings.

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28th September 2023
Venue: The International Convention Centre (ICC), Birmingham
Learning outcomes

Delegates will:

  • Learn about the challenges  clinicians face when triaging patients in ED
  • Understand how can biomarkers help in triaging: recognising "the ill looking well" and "the well looking ill"
  • Learn about mid-regional proadrenomodulin and recent studies in triaging patients in emergency medicine.