CONGRESS 2023 - The Blood Film to the Rescue

Last updated: 22nd September 2023

Despite major advances in investigating haematological abnormalities, the blood film can still be crucial in diagnosis and patient management. The first major role is the validation of an abnormal blood count and, when it is found to be invalid, finding an explanation for factitious results. Factitiously low platelet counts and factitiously high MCVs are well recognized examples. When the count is found to be valid, an explanation might be revealed. A blood film may indicate a likely diagnosis within minutes; this can be of vital importance as in acute promyelocytic leukaemia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, Burkitt lymphoma and certain infections. Sometimes the blood film suggests an uncommon or rare condition the diagnosis of which is important but would otherwise be delayed or elusive.

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26th September 2023
Venue: The International Convention Centre (ICC), Birmingham
Learning outcomes

Delegates attending this presentation will:

  • Be alert to the unexpected finding on the blood film
  • Recognise the unexpected finding
  • Understand what is abnormal
  • Be able to correlate the abnormality with the information it is providing.