CONGRESS 2023 - The new National Diagnostic Strategy for Wales

Last updated: 20th September 2023

Diagnostic services are a fundamental aspect of modern healthcare delivery. Clinical pathways can only function properly with sufficient capacity to turnaround diagnostic tests, procedures, and reports in a timely manner. Large backlogs of diagnostic procedures hold NHS Wales back from making improvements in referral to treatment times, impair screening pathway effectiveness, result in poor patient experience, and have the potential to result in harms and poorer outcomes. COVID-19 has not gone away, and alongside the effects of global changes in behaviours and other factors, it will continue to present new and emerging challenges that must be addressed to drive improvement and deliver safe, sustainable services for the people of Wales. The NHS Wales Diagnostics Recovery and Transformation strategy is aimed at leading and co-ordinating supportive actions to aid recovery of diagnostic services post-pandemic and ensure that our interventions implemented in the immediate term align with foreseeable future demand, and shift towards optimised delivery models as the foundation on long-term sustainable transformation. Importantly, the strategy will seek to improve outcomes for patients and reduce pressure on secondary care enabling earlier, faster detection of disease. It sets out the immediate priorities and objectives for diagnostics in NHS Wales, and how it intends to deliver against the extraordinarily challenging needs of now, but with one eye on future need and the challenges that are yet to come.

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25th September 2023
Venue: The International Convention Centre (ICC), Birmingham

Diagnostic services are a fundamental aspect of modern healthcare delivery. Clinical pathways can only function properly with sufficient capacity to turnaround diagnostic tests, procedures, and reports in a timely manner. Large backlogs of diagnostic procedures hold NHS Wales back from making improvements in referral to treatment times, impair screening pathway effectiveness, result in poor patient experience, and have the potential to result in harms and poorer outcomes. COVID-19 has not gone away, and alongside the effects of global changes in behaviours and other factors, it will continue to present new and emerging challenges that must be addressed to drive improvement and deliver safe, sustainable services for the people of Wales.

The NHS Wales Diagnostics Recovery and Transformation strategy is aimed at leading and co-ordinating supportive actions to aid recovery of diagnostic services post-pandemic and ensure that our interventions implemented in the immediate term align with foreseeable future demand, and shift towards optimised delivery models as the foundation on long-term sustainable transformation. Importantly, the strategy will seek to improve outcomes for patients and reduce pressure on secondary care enabling earlier, faster detection of disease. It sets out the immediate priorities and objectives for diagnostics in NHS Wales, and how it intends to deliver against the extraordinarily challenging needs of now, but with one eye on future need and the challenges that are yet to come.