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2019 Randox QC Academy 21/03

This will be the first time Randox have held a Quality Control dedicated workshop. We have plenty of experience in hosting these seminars as every year we host our annual RIQAS User Forum.

These seminars will be somewhat similar to the RIQAS User Forums – the major difference will be in the content. For these seminars, the focus will mainly be on quality control in the laboratory rather than EQA. Some of the topics we plan to speak about include the benefit to laboratories of running true third party, commutable controls. Our new molecular infectious disease testing range, interlaboratory data management software – the benefits of this and how it can help streamline laboratory procedures and much more.

2019 Randox QC Academy 22/03

This will be the first time Randox have held a Quality Control dedicated workshop. We have plenty of experience in hosting these seminars as every year we host our annual RIQAS User Forum.

These seminars will be somewhat similar to the RIQAS User Forums – the major difference will be in the content. For these seminars, the focus will mainly be on quality control in the laboratory rather than EQA. Some of the topics we plan to speak about include the benefit to laboratories of running true third party, commutable controls. Our new molecular infectious disease testing range, interlaboratory data management software – the benefits of this and how it can help streamline laboratory procedures and much more.

UK NEQAS Roadshow 01/03/2019

We will be explaining the mechanics of the Schemes, including how the statistics are calculated and how to interpret your reports to assist you in troubleshooting.

We will showcase some of the added value extras that the Schemes provide; we are not just a numbers-only service.

We want to give you the chance to ask questions from us on any topic, but perhaps with particular emphasis on how we can assist you in your day job and how to help you with the demands of ISO15189.

UK NEQAS Roadshow 19/03/2019

We will be explaining the mechanics of the Schemes, including how the statistics are calculated and how to interpret your reports to assist you in troubleshooting.

We will showcase some of the added value extras that the Schemes provide; we are not just a numbers-only service.

We want to give you the chance to ask questions from us on any topic, but perhaps with particular emphasis on how we can assist you in your day job and how to help you with the demands of ISO15189.

Anaerobe 2019: Changing perceptions of anaerobic bacteria; from pathogen to the normal microbiota and back; a Microbiology Society Focussed meeting

This is a 2 day focussed meeting highlighting topical aspects of anaerobic microbiology hosted by the Microbiology Society and held in collaboration with the UK Anaerobe Reference unit (UKARU) and the UK Society for Anaerobic Microbiology (UKSAM)

BSAC Residential Workshops for EUCAST Susceptibility Testing April 2019

The BSAC will be holding a three day practical workshop at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff aimed at those wishing to gain practical experience of the EUCAST methodology.

BSAC Residential Workshops for EUCAST Susceptibility Testing August 2019

The BSAC will be holding a three day practical workshop at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff aimed at those wishing to gain practical experience of the EUCAST methodology.

Practical and Clinical Microbiology of Anaerobes (P&CMAn) 11/06/2019

Training course on all aspects of anaerobic microbiology including discussion of clinical cases

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology for Technical Staff November 2019

A formal education training day covering FNA Cytology to include lectures and workshops and self-assessment slides.

Introductory Course in Cervical Cytology

A mandatory 4 week basic course in cervical cytology designed for trainees working within the Cervical Screening Programme. This course is completed with a further 5 days of follow up training.