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Microtomy – Improved Sectioning Focussed Webinar

A simple exploration of tips and practices that may not be commonly taught in modern training but may help provide an insight into the mechanics of sectioning and help resolve some difficulties encountered when sectioning.

HIS/UKHSA Foundation Course in Infection Prevention Control (IPC)

The course comprises 5 modules in an on demand, self-led learning format. The on demand learning will be supplemented a one-week programme of live online sessions consisting of online workshops and IPC clinics (Q&A/discussion sessions) with the presenting experts. This will take place over five afternoons in a designated week for each cohort*.

Modules covered:
Basics in IPC - including, isolation, hand hygiene, device-associated infections, respiratory viruses, HCID

Pathogen-based approach to IPC - including epidemiology of common pathogens and the use of typing in outbreak investigation

IPC in the built environment - including ventilation, water management, disinfection and sterilisation

Principles of surveillance and stewardship - including essential tools, surveillance of AMR and stewardship, surveillance applied to HCAI, using data for local action.

Leadership and managing change - including behavioural science, structure of IPC services, communication, sustainability

Estimated time requirements
On demand: Self-led-learning via eLearning platform: approximately 30 - 35 hours (over 6 months from the date of purchase)
Blended: Self-led-learning via eLearning platform: approximately 30 - 35 hours (over 6 months) and Live workshops and IPC clinics: 15 hours (over one week)

Personalised Cancer Profiling – the role of histology and molecular analysis Focussed Webinar

A look at how patients are now able to have their tumour tissue profiled by molecular analysis and identify the gene expression profile unique to their cancer.

Cancer – Tumour Clonality and Metastasis Focussed Webinar 2024

Explaining why tumours are not simply the proliferation of one type of “malignant cell” but a more complex matrix of tumour cell clones, also looking at what implications clonality has on tumour recurrence and metastatic spread.

Cell Block Preparation Focussed Webinar 2024

This webinar will cover the most commonly used methods available for preparation of cell blocks from cytology samples.

Introduction to DIF 2024

On completion of this webinar students will have a basic knowledge of Principles of immunofluorescence, Optimal specimen preparation for DIF, Practical aspects of cryotomy and processing, DIF imaging considerations, Interpretation of DIF, Diagnostic implications of DIF findings.

ROSE Service Focussed Webinar 2024

This webinar will discuss how a ROSE service can be set up to be of value to reporting Pathologists, Clinicians and, most importantly, the patient.

ICC Technical Issues and Quality Assurance Webinar 2024

This webinar provides an in-depth focus on the recognition and prevention of technical issues that occur in ICC, and guidance on ways to ensure ICC quality in diagnostic Cellular Pathology.

Electron Microscopy Summer School 2024

The EM Summer School aims to provide a basic training in both the theory and practice of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The course covers imaging, diffraction and chemical microanalysis as well as the highly important area of sample preparation.

Getting the most from your Confocal Course 2024

This Course utilises many different sample types and fluorescent probes (DNA stains, classic antibody labels and fluorescent proteins) and these are chosen to best demonstrate particular problems and techniques. Focus is on the techniques they enable and the problems they generate, which will be applicable to any sample types