Announcing the Media Fellowship Programme 2024

Last updated: 6th March 2024
Announcing the Media Fellowship Programme 2024

We are pleased to continue sponsoring the Association of British Science Writers (ABSW) Media Fellowship scheme for the fourth year.

This sponsorship will provide a unique opportunity for one of our members to gain first-hand experience of reporting at a UK media outlet during summer of 2024.

What are the ABSW Media Fellowships?

The Media Fellowships were established in 1987 with a view to improve the accessibility of the sciences and provide more opportunities for discussion and debate within the field.

By applying to this scheme, practising scientists, clinicians and engineers have the chance to spend a part of their summer working at the heart of a world-renowned media outlet - such as the Guardian, BBC Breakfast or the Londonist.

Selected Fellows will also receive direct mentorship from professional journalists - giving them the confidence to better engage with the media and tackle vital issues of mistrust and misrepresentation within scientific disciplines.

How does the scheme work?

The IBMS will identify and shortlist members who satisfy the ABSW person specifications (see full person specifications document below). The ABSW will then identify media hosts and carry out a final selection process to match individuals to media hosts.

The chosen Fellows will receive training from the ABSW prior to taking up their placements and will be supported by the ABSW throughout their placement and beyond.

Placements normally take place for 2-6 weeks during the summer to fit with University teaching commitments.

"The Media Fellowship is a great way to learn about communicating scientific topics to a general audience. Biomedical scientists need the skills and confidence to explain what we do and why it is vital to healthcare. If you are interested, go for it.

Don't worry if you do not feel very confident about engaging with the media. You will be given lots of help, support, and encouragement and learn valuable skills. It is a great experience"

Dr Sarah Pitt, Media Fellow 2021
How to apply 

For any members who are interested in becoming a Media Fellowplease download and complete the application form and Equality Diversity and Inclusion monitoring form and email to

The deadline for applications is Friday 5 April 2024.


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