Biomedical Science Day Live Blog

Last updated: 6th January 2025
Biomedical Science Day Live Blog

Biomedical Science Day - as it happened

It's Biomedical Science Day!

Join us throughout the day as we post a live report from events taking place to celebrate the world's largest biomedical science awareness campaign. If you see anything interesting that you would like us to add here, please email

Facebook gallery is now live with your images and will be updated all day>>
15.30 #BiomedicalScienceDay2024 has been trending on Twitter X all afternoon

15:10 Today is also the 80th Anniversary of D Day and on opportunity to highlight our members who also serve or have served in the armed forces
13:09pm - a pop punk classic from Anas Nasir @BloodScientist !

13:00 - #BiomedicalScienceDay2024 is trending on Twitter (X)

Keep up the posts and sending us your amazing photos and videos :) 

12:45 Super Samples game launched to promote careers in biomedical science
12:40 Wye Valley NHS Trust and students from the University of Worcester celebrate Biomedical Science Day

Read the report>>

12:30 Another shout out on the radio this morning
12:00 Lovely tribute on LinkedIn

11:10 Happy Biomedical Science Day from the LTH Clinical Immunology team
11:00 Newcastle raises the flag for Biomedical Science Day 

Barbie seems to be a theme this year, we love this one of #ScienceBarbie unboxed @nhsFife cell path today @mrsmeep


10.30 - Record breaking year for our resources

This year we have sent out over 300 event packs to laboratories across the UK. We expect a lot of photos from the events this afternoon. We've also supported over 50 requests for event funding this year! We wish all event planners and anyone involved in activities today a Happy Biomedical Science Day!

Dont forget to post your photos on social media and tag us in using #AtTheHeartOfHealthcare or #BiomedicalScienceDay2024 or you can email them to us

09.15 - the Facebook gallery is now live with your images and will be updated all day>>

08:30 - thank you Dr Lishman CBE
08:10 First shout out on radio - Lauren Laverne informs the nation on 6Music 
08:00 Oxera report: value of biomedical scientists revealed

A new Oxera report has found that the NHS benefits by up to £571 million annually in bowel cancer care alone thanks to biomedical scientists, active in 95% of patient pathways. Read more>>

07:45 Professor Catherine Ross, Chief Scientific Officer, Scottish Government posts a message of support 

Oxera report: value of biomedical scientists revealed

Biomedical Science Day 2024 round up