New HCPC Standards of Proficiency now live

Last updated: 6th September 2023
New HCPC Standards of Proficiency now live

The revised HCPC Standards of Proficiency for biomedical scientists come into effect from today

As the revised HCPC Standards of Proficiency (SoPs) for biomedical scientists are now live, those who are about to undertake their IBMS Registration Training Portfolio will need to demonstrate their knowledge and competence in a slightly different way.

We have released supporting documents to help our colleagues involved in training to understand the changes that the HCPC introduced, and we have also announced that the IBMS has used the updated HCPC SoPs as an opportunity to launch a digital-only version of the IBMS Registration Training Portfolio (Version 5.0) using the well-known ePortfolio platform, Onefile.

Of course, updating training plans to accommodate changes in the HCPC SoPs whilst simultaneously becoming familiar with a new portfolio platform AND running a busy laboratory service is not easy. This article offers suggestions for you in advance of your first candidates being enrolled on the new portfolio to help you transition seamlessly.

Don’t worry! The Onefile platform is very easy to learn and use.
  1. Onefile produce lots of training material to help new users get to grips with the system and we will support this with specific guidance documents for each user type.
  2. Each user has access to both a “live” and “practice” area, which means if you’re not sure how something works, you can test it in practice, and not risk anything important. This is a great way for candidates and trainers to get a feel for the system and test how to implement it within existing training processes.
  3. We need to walk before we can run so we will launch Onefile with a suggested workflow to help people transition to the new system. From mid-2024, we will be able to respond to user feedback from laboratories and continue to refine the digital Registration Training Portfolio.
  4. You cannot break the system… we’ve tried! After the launch of the Version 5.0 portfolio at IBMS Congress 2023, we will run a series of training and support sessions – see below.

Don’t rush! The Version 5.0 Registration Training Portfolio represents a step change in the way that candidates complete this essential qualification.
  1. We are delivering three introductory talks at IBMS congress 2023 from September 25th-28th (these talks will also be made available to the wider membership). They will introduce Onefile, outline how it works, and offer some useful suggestions to help streamline the transition to using this platform in your laboratory.
  2. Onefile will let you know when something has been assigned for you to complete. It’s super-simple to follow through and allows even “five minutes” to be productive.

Be proactive!
  1. Check that your training plans include the updated SoPs and reflect the various changes in terminology, so you are clear how and where your candidates will evidence each of the SoPs as they complete the Registration Training Portfolio.
  2. Are you prepared for the new mandatory piece of evidence for each module?
  3. Think about the support offered to your candidates. Do you use structured catch-up meetings (to review progress) in addition to ad hoc ones? Onefile is flexible enough to handle either.
  4. Similarly with evidence collation and answering written questions etc. Do you set deadlines for these specific tasks? Do you have a deadline for completion of the whole portfolio? If you know what your local preference is, Onefile can do the hard work of tracking whether people are on target for you.
  5. Confirm the training structure within your laboratory – who needs to sign-off training logs etc? Initially the familiar roles of trainer, training manager and laboratory manager will all be amalgamated inside Onefile under the role of “trainer” – as we roll-out the platform, we will expand the number of user roles available so that people have the access they need.

Be prepared! After the initial launch of Onefile at IBMS Congress 2023, we will be running a series of training events:
  1. Do you want the IBMS to lead a face-to-face training session in your area? Who would need to attend? Could you work with other laboratories/hospitals/stakeholders and host a larger group session? Think about some dates that work within your local setting.
  2. Would colleagues involved in training also need access to Onefile, but not on a daily basis? Are you a training manager who wants to check candidates are on track? What about checking none of your training officers are over-stretched with too many candidates? Onefile can provide all these analytics (if you want it to).
  3. Do you (or any of your colleagues) already use Onefile? If so, can you harness that local knowledge for bespoke training sessions that you run and manage yourself?
  4. Are you an IBMS Verifier? The process of verification should be much more streamlined and efficient using Onefile – keep an eye-out for announcements in spring 2024, when we will be running specific training for verifying through Onefile. We will also cover the Version 5.0 portfolio and outline Onefile in the IBMS Training for Trainers events going forward.
  5. We are aware that laboratories will be supporting candidates through both Version 4.3 and Version 5.0 registration training portfolios for the next couple of years as we transition to the digital portfolio and can support trainers, verifiers and candidates during this time.
Get in touch!
  1. If there’s anything you need us to support you with, reach out and ask:

We are on the cusp of an exciting new chapter in how we complete and manage pre-registration training for biomedical scientists. Working together with positivity and open communication, completion and administration of the new Registration Training Portfolio will be more effective and efficient than ever before.

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