
Last updated: 25th July 2024

All IBMS members are allocated to a branch upon admission to membership. Their branch is based on their work address but may be altered should an individual member wish to be affiliated with a branch nearer to their home address.

Branches are organised on a committee basis and elect the following individuals:

  • Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • At least 2 other committee members

In addition, a branch committee is normally supported by a wider group composed of local, educational & CPD representatives. The maximum size of the committee is not set but will reflect the relative size of the branch and its activities.

Branches fulfil the following functions:
  • Act as the focal point for IBMS activities within the local area and to maintain close contact with members
  • Establishment of a local liaison officer network
  • Organisation of scientific and professional meetings
  • Liaison with local education establishments
  • Promote local recruitment
  • Provide formal links to the region

Branches are funded on a per capita allocation based on the number of members affiliated to an individual branch. They also receive a flat rate funding allocation to support branch meetings. 

All active branches must produce an annual review of their activities and are coordinated by Membership and Marketing Committee.