Demonstrate expert professional skills and advanced knowledge
The IBMS has three Diploma of Expert Practice qualifications in Haematology covering:
- Routine Haematology
- Haemaostasis and Thrombosis
- Red Cell Disorders
They provide evidence of the attainment of both the necessary scientific and clinical knowledge underpinning the practice of haematology with the practical competence required to accurately contribute to the detection and diagnosis of haematological diseases, haemostatic disorders or red cell disorders respectively.
Candidates who achieve an IBMS Diploma of Expert Practice in one of these qualifications will in their chosen area be able to:
- undertake an advanced role that involves the detection, diagnosis and result interpretation
- offer expert professional and scientific advice to scientific and medical staff on the clinical relevance of results
- participate in the training of biomedical & clinical scientists and specialist trainee medical staff
Further information
Who can apply
To apply you must be a Member or Fellow of the IBMS and an HCPC registered scientist with five years whole-time equivalent post-registration experience in haematology. You must also:
- have a single named consultant pathologist trainer who has overall responsibility for mentoring and guiding you and monitoring your progress
- be working in a laboratory that is UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) registered laboratory and that has IBMS laboratory post-registration training approval
If you are unsure whether your laboratory has IBMS laboratory approval for please check with your laboratory manager or training officer.
Qualification structure
The IBMS Diploma of Expert Practice in Haematology is a professional vocational qualification assessed by completion of a portfolio of evidence and a written and practical examination.
The portfolio of evidence provides a record of your training and should contain evidence of regular assessments of your competence in reporting the specimen types covered by this qualification by your named consultant pathologist supervisor.
Once your named consultant pathologist supervisor is satisfied that your training is complete you can submit your portfolio and go on to the written and practical examinations.
The examination of an IBMS Diploma of Expert Practice in Routine Haematology involves three assessments:
- a portfolio assessment
- a written examination
- a practical examination
Portfolio assessment
You must meet 27 standards in order to pass your portfolio assessment and progress to the written examination. Your portfolio will be independently assessed by examiners from the IBMS Haematology Advisory Panel.
Written examination
The written examination lasts 120 minutes and requires candidates to answer:
- five mandatory short answer questions
- two case studies questions from a choice of three and
- one essay question from a choice of three
(The structure of this examination is currently under review)
Practical microscopy assessment or Viva Voce (Oral Examination)
The final element will consist of either a practical microscopy examination (for the DEPs in Routine Haematology and Red Cell Disorders) or a viva voce examination (for the DEP in Haeomstasis and Thrombosis)./
The exact nature of these examinations are currently being reviewed by the haematology advisory panel but it is likely that the microscopy examination will require candidates to answer questions on 12 cases in 96 minutes. The IBMS will provide microscopes for this examination however candidates can bring their own if they so wish. The viva voce examination will likely last between 45 and 60 minutes and will involve a defense of the portfolio and unseen case studies.
Guidance to Candidates and Trainers (March 2024 Update)
Guidance to candidates and trainers (For Routine Haematology)
The Guidance to Candidates and Trainers documents for the DEP in Haemostasis and Thrombosis and Red Cell Disorders are currently being finalised by the haematology advisory panel and will be published here shortly.. The current planned indicative syllabus for each qualification can be found here:
Haemostasis and Thrombosis (Draft Version)
Red Cell Disorders (Draft Version)
Key dates
Qualification Application Deadline: Friday 31 May 2024
Portfolio Submission Deadline: Friday 26 July (See Below)
Exams: The date of the written and microscopy exams are to be confirmed. This will depend on the number and location of the candidates who submit their portfolio. It is likely that this will be early November 2024.
Candidates must submit their portfolio electronically. Hard copy versions of the portfolio will not be accepted. The portfolio should be sent via email to examinations@ibms.org
Due to the size of the portfolio (and the number of emails that may require) this may be difficult so alternatively you could put your portfolio into a shared folder such as OneDrive or Google Docs and then send the relevant link to this to examinations@ibms.org. The portfolio can also submitted on a USB stick to IBMS, Head of Examinations, 12 Coldbath Square, London, EC1R 5HL.
Fees and how to apply
To apply for the qualification in the year in which you plan to submit your portfolio for assessment you will need to submit to the IBMS Examinations Team:
- payment of £443 (from January 2025)
- a completed application form
Fees can be paid by:
- credit or debit card payment by phone on +44 (0)207 731 0214 ext 142 or
- purchase order from your hospital Trust
Once your application has been accepted you will be sent confirmation of your candidacy and a reminder of the submission deadline for your portfolio.
Additional resources
Guidance on Recognising and Avoiding Plagiarism
You can find discipline-specific reading lists to support you in completing an IBMS Diploma of Expert Practice on our Science Reading page.
You can find articles and online resources to support you in completing an IBMS Diploma of Expert Practice in our Resources section.
Deferrals, withdrawals and mitigating circumstances
If you wish to defer, withdraw or highlight any mitigating circumstances please contact examinations@ibms.org as soon as possible.