Events on 15 March 2022

Clinical Chemistry Programme Tuesday (Morning) - IBMS Congress 2022

Chair: Tony Dedman
9.00 Monitoring asparaginase activity to inform treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Dr Jonathan Lambert, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust
9.30 How will the challenges of the pandemic impact how we offer future Clinical Biochemistry services? Dr David Ricketts, Health Services Laboratories LLP
10.30 Harveys Gang: From the lab to the ward
Sophie Ward, NorthWest London Pathology, Charing Cross Hospital London
11.00 Spectrum of conditions associated with paraproteins: From laboratory to the clinic
Dr Aaron Niblock, Antrim Area Hospital, Northern Health and Social Care Trust 11.30 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers in the investigation
of patients with dementia
Dr Alison Green, University of Edinburgh
12.45 Demand optimisation in a post- COVID world
Claire Lawrie, NHS National Services Scotland

Introducing Technology Seminar Tuesday 1:30pm - IBMS Congress 2022

13.30 Influenza-like-Illness testing and its importance as SARS-CoV-2 moves from pandemic to endemic Gavin Wall MSc MBA DipRCPath, Director of Medical Affairs (Infectious Diseases), QIAGEN

Introducing Technology Seminar Tuesday 1pm - IBMS Congress 2022

13.00 Introducing the PATHFASTâ„¢
- Emergency Marker High Sensitivity Troponin I assay into the Emergency Department
Ian Smith, AB Scientific

Introducing Technology Seminar Tuesday 2:30pm - IBMS Congress 2022

14.30 Data Driven Pathology Martin Wilkinson, Director of Product Introduction, Strategy and User Adoption, InterSystems

Introducing Technology Seminar Tuesday 2pm - IBMS Congress 2022

14.00 The next revolution in infectious disease testing -
integrating prognosis and diagnosis by reading the host response
Dr. Florian Uhle. Inflammatix, Associate Director Medical Affairs Europe, Pro-Lab Diagnostics

Introducing Technology Seminar Tuesday 3pm - IBMS Congress 2022

15.00 Bringing Fungal Diagnostics In-House Andrew Wood, General Manager, BioConnections

Introducing Technology Seminar Tuesday 4:30pm - IBMS Congress 2022

16.30 East Kent Hospital inactivate SARS-CoV-2 in 60secs, revolutionising their workflow processes.
Michael Dawson, Medical Wire Equipment

Introducing Technology Seminar Tuesday 4pm - IBMS Congress 2022

16.00 Quality improvement in the pre-analytical phase
Fabio Sgarabottolo, A. Menarini Diagnostics

Safety and Risk Seminar Tuesday 10:30am - IBMS Congress 2022

10.30 New ISO risk and safety standards
David Ricketts, Head of Laboratory Process Improvement, Health Services Laboratories LLP

Safety and Risk Seminar Tuesday 11:30am - IBMS Congress 2022

11.30 Rethinking transfusion safety Nicola Swarbrick, Laboratory Incident Specialist, Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT)

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