Events during September 2023
CONGRESS 2023 - Vaccines and immunodeficiency testing (Wednesday)
A person's immune response to previous antigen exposure is one of the most useful measures of how well their immune system is functioning. Vaccination provides a controlled and standardised exposure to an antigen, with the ability to assess immune responses prior to and after exposure. Different vaccine types can be used to explore different aspects of immune function.
Traditionally, antibody levels have been used to interrogate these responses, and it is possible to explore the quality of the antibody response and also cellular responses. A wide variability in the response to vaccination in healthy individuals can complicate interpretation of vaccine responses in patients with recurrent infections. Protection from infection is multifactorial, and while our ability to assess vaccine responses is improving, this alone is often not enough to assess an individual's immunity.
Traditionally, antibody levels have been used to interrogate these responses, and it is possible to explore the quality of the antibody response and also cellular responses. A wide variability in the response to vaccination in healthy individuals can complicate interpretation of vaccine responses in patients with recurrent infections. Protection from infection is multifactorial, and while our ability to assess vaccine responses is improving, this alone is often not enough to assess an individual's immunity.
CONGRESS 2023 - How to avoid pitfalls and pass the HSD
The Higher Specialist Diploma (HSD) is the main route for gaining Fellowship (FIBMS) status. In this session I will provide a brief overview of the IBMS Higher Specialist Diploma (HSD) qualification explaining the disciplines that the HSD can be undertaken in, who the qualification is aimed at and how the qualification is assessed.
I will then provide advice and guidance on the completion of the portfolio element of the qualification and explain what a good portfolio looks like. I will also briefly explain how to prepare for the exam element of the qualification. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions about the HSD.
I will then provide advice and guidance on the completion of the portfolio element of the qualification and explain what a good portfolio looks like. I will also briefly explain how to prepare for the exam element of the qualification. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions about the HSD.
CONGRESS 2023 - Targeting HIV where it hurts - progress on vaccines
Effective vaccine must deal with extreme HIV-1 variability and do so without guidance from natural immunity. For HIV-1, vaccines may need to induce both bNAbs and protective CD8+ killer T cells, the latter of which clearly impose a selective pressure on the virus and their protective potential should be harnessed by vaccines. However, not all antibodies and CD8+ T cells are protective; they must target vulnerable parts on HIV-1 proteins.
The central paradigm of the HIVconsvX T-cell vaccine strategy is focusing T cells on the functionally conserved regions of the HIV-1 Gag and Pol proteins, which are very similar among global isolates and harbour fewer escape mutations. At the epitope level, the remaining variability within the conserved regions is addressed computationally by using a bi-valent mosaic. Results of the first trials testing the HIVconsvX vaccine candidates confirmed that conserved sub-dominant and, therefore, underused T-cell epitopes taken out of the context of the whole virus or full-length viral proteins can induce robust and broad T-cell responses when delivered by an effective heterologous regimen such as ChAdOx1-MVA.
Progress towards an effective HIV-1 vaccine has been slow and riddled with many setbacks. However, systematic iterative development of vaccine components for both neutralizing antibodies and effective T cells informed by human data is beginning to pay off by bringing the first encouragements endorsing the field’s overall direction of travel.
The central paradigm of the HIVconsvX T-cell vaccine strategy is focusing T cells on the functionally conserved regions of the HIV-1 Gag and Pol proteins, which are very similar among global isolates and harbour fewer escape mutations. At the epitope level, the remaining variability within the conserved regions is addressed computationally by using a bi-valent mosaic. Results of the first trials testing the HIVconsvX vaccine candidates confirmed that conserved sub-dominant and, therefore, underused T-cell epitopes taken out of the context of the whole virus or full-length viral proteins can induce robust and broad T-cell responses when delivered by an effective heterologous regimen such as ChAdOx1-MVA.
Progress towards an effective HIV-1 vaccine has been slow and riddled with many setbacks. However, systematic iterative development of vaccine components for both neutralizing antibodies and effective T cells informed by human data is beginning to pay off by bringing the first encouragements endorsing the field’s overall direction of travel.
CONGRESS 2023 - It’s life, but not as we know it. Emerging parasitic diseases
It’s life, but not as we know it. Emerging parasitic diseases
CONGRESS 2023 - Evolution of infectious disease Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) across Wales - National POCT Lead perspective
Learn how infectious disease POCT services have evolved across Wales. Discover how Louise's role as a Biomedical Scientist has evolved to National infectious disease POCT lead. Discover how POCT projects are contributing towards the World Health Organisations Hepatitis C elimination targets and how we foresee future POCT services expanding.
CONGRESS 2023 - Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) – how does the clinical biochemistry laboratory inform clinical decisions?
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome is one of the most dangerous complications associated with assisted conception using invitro fertilisation (IVF). If not managed appropriately it can even lead to death of the women developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Clinical Biochemistry aids significantly in the diagnosis and management of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
This presentation aims to summarise the role of various biochemical parameters that are used routinely in the diagnosis and management of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
This presentation aims to summarise the role of various biochemical parameters that are used routinely in the diagnosis and management of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
CONGRESS 2023 - What is ISO 22367 and how can it help the laboratory comply with the risk requirements of ISO15189
What is ISO 22367 and how can it help the laboratory comply with the risk requirements of ISO15189
CONGRESS 2023 - The metabolic role of Vitamin B12
Delegates will understand:
The pathophysiological aspects of Vitamin B12.
The role of the laboratory in the diagnosis of Vitamin B12 deficiency.
The pathophysiological aspects of Vitamin B12.
The role of the laboratory in the diagnosis of Vitamin B12 deficiency.
CONGRESS 2023 - Antibody Workshop
Join some of our panel members for our lunchtime session where we will be hosting an antibody workshop. Looking at different types of antibodies and how to positively identify or eliminate any suspected clincially significant antibodies, whilst testing your knowledge and skills.
The aim is to make the session fun and interactive, focusing on some top tips for solving those antibody mysteries.
The aim is to make the session fun and interactive, focusing on some top tips for solving those antibody mysteries.
CONGRESS 2023 - Specialist portfolios: Updated, flexible and achievable
Specialist portfolios: Updated, flexible and achievable
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