Events during September 2023
CONGRESS 2023 - Ensuring fairness in training opportunities
"Don’t worry, you’ll be next" – have you ever said, or heard this phrase when it comes to training opportunities?
Should you have a queue? Should you make promises? Or do you risk losing staff if you don’t?
This session will discuss considerations to ensure fairness in training opportunities, from an individual and organisational perspective. It will also look at how to ensure your opportunities and training are inclusive, and support diversity.
Should you have a queue? Should you make promises? Or do you risk losing staff if you don’t?
This session will discuss considerations to ensure fairness in training opportunities, from an individual and organisational perspective. It will also look at how to ensure your opportunities and training are inclusive, and support diversity.
CONGRESS 2023 - Review of malaria rapid tests
Rapid antigen tests for malaria have been in routine use in UK haematology labs for many years now. However, interpretation of their results, especially in light of the accompanying blood film findings can still prove to be confusing.
The advantages and limitations of these tests will be explored and explained.
The advantages and limitations of these tests will be explored and explained.
CONGRESS 2023 - The Blood Film to the Rescue
Despite major advances in investigating haematological abnormalities, the blood film can still be crucial in diagnosis and patient management. The first major role is the validation of an abnormal blood count and, when it is found to be invalid, finding an explanation for factitious results. Factitiously low platelet counts and factitiously high MCVs are well recognized examples.
When the count is found to be valid, an explanation might be revealed. A blood film may indicate a likely diagnosis within minutes; this can be of vital importance as in acute promyelocytic leukaemia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, Burkitt lymphoma and certain infections. Sometimes the blood film suggests an uncommon or rare condition the diagnosis of which is important but would otherwise be delayed or elusive.
When the count is found to be valid, an explanation might be revealed. A blood film may indicate a likely diagnosis within minutes; this can be of vital importance as in acute promyelocytic leukaemia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, Burkitt lymphoma and certain infections. Sometimes the blood film suggests an uncommon or rare condition the diagnosis of which is important but would otherwise be delayed or elusive.
CONGRESS 2023 - Implementing a new laboratory IT system and how to avoid the pitfalls
Implementing a new laboratory IT system and how to avoid the pitfalls
CONGRESS 2023 - The new Certificate of Expert Practice in Laboratory IT and Clinical Informatics
The new Certificate of Expert Practice in Laboratory IT and Clinical Informatics
CONGRESS 2023 - Equality, diversity and inclusion: optional extra or innate necessity? (why bother)
Equality, diversity and inclusion: optional extra or innate necessity? (why bother)
CONGRESS 2023 - Applying sustainability principles in pathology– a reality or a pipe dream?
Sustainability is the balance between the environment, equity, and economy. It is well documented that our changing climate has severe implications for public and planetary health. As healthcare professionals, we have a responsibility to consider the way we practice and try to reduce any negative impacts of our practice.
This workshop looks at the carbon footprint of the lab and discusses what processes and practices can be adapted to reduce the carbon footprint of pathology practice. It explores the barriers to change and areas to target for improvement.
This workshop looks at the carbon footprint of the lab and discusses what processes and practices can be adapted to reduce the carbon footprint of pathology practice. It explores the barriers to change and areas to target for improvement.
CONGRESS 2023 - Quality issues and accreditation for andrology services
Quality issues and accreditation for andrology services
CONGRESS 2023 - How to publish your research - A workshop from the British Journal of Biomedical Science team
This workshop on "How to publish your research" is delivered by the British Journal of Biomedical Science team. The aim of the workshop is to provide attendees with a clear understanding of the publishing process, so they feel empowered to submit their research to a peer-reviewed journal. As the British Journal of Biomedical Science is the official journal of the IBMS the workshop will provide members with the opportunity to discuss how they can engage with their journal.
CONGRESS 2023 - Cutting a clinical career as a scientist in histopathology
The session will provide an overview of the qualifications that the IBMS offers in those who are carving out a career in Histopathology after they have achieved their specialist level qualification. It will outline the DEP and ASD in Histological Dissection, DEP in Immunocytochemistry and the ASD in Histopathology Reporting qualifications and other related qualifications.
It will explain who these qualifications are aimed and provide an outline of how they are assessed, how candidates can achieve these qualifications and what roles successful candidates can go on to undertake.
It will explain who these qualifications are aimed and provide an outline of how they are assessed, how candidates can achieve these qualifications and what roles successful candidates can go on to undertake.
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