Events in 2023

CONGRESS 2023 - Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) – how does the clinical biochemistry laboratory inform clinical decisions?

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome is one of the most dangerous complications associated with assisted conception using invitro fertilisation (IVF). If not managed appropriately it can even lead to death of the women developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Clinical Biochemistry aids significantly in the diagnosis and management of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

This presentation aims to summarise the role of various biochemical parameters that are used routinely in the diagnosis and management of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

CONGRESS 2023 - Cutting a clinical career as a scientist in histopathology

The session will provide an overview of the qualifications that the IBMS offers in those who are carving out a career in Histopathology after they have achieved their specialist level qualification. It will outline the DEP and ASD in Histological Dissection, DEP in Immunocytochemistry and the ASD in Histopathology Reporting qualifications and other related qualifications.

It will explain who these qualifications are aimed and provide an outline of how they are assessed, how candidates can achieve these qualifications and what roles successful candidates can go on to undertake.

CONGRESS 2023 - International Blood Group Reference Laboratory (IBGRL) - Finding New Blood Groups

Explanation of the various serological and molecular techniques that are available to identify novel blood groups. Discussing how these cases may present within the hospital and RCI labortories through to publication and ratification at the International Society of Blood Transfusion.


This presentation will focus on the PD-L1 clones used for the different indications, acceptable and not acceptable tests, and the importance of ideal controls.

Delegates attending this presentation will:

Receive an overview of PD-L1 EQA assessments carried out by UK NEQAS ICC & ISH
Gain a better understanding of the UK NEQAS PD-L1 schemes and how assessments are carried out.

CONGRESS 2023 - New ROSE specialist module

The requirement of extensive and complex testing on cytology samples is widely and routinely recognised. ROSE performed by scientists in the clinical setting provides a standardised, clinically effective, reproducible methodology for a variety of anatomical sites, some of which cytology is the only modality for sampling.

Real-time adequacy assessment eliminates the need for more invasive or repeat procedures by ensuring sufficient cell yield is obtained to conduct all the tests required for ancillary and molecular testing. This streamlines the patient pathway by reducing the referral to treatment time and reduces waiting list pressures, resulting in cost reduction for healthcare trusts and improved patient care and outcomes.

The presentation will explore the new IBMS ROSE qualification with the aim to inspire scientists to become skilled in ROSE.

CONGRESS 2023 - Performance of a new molecular Point-of-Care system for respiratory viruses under field conditions

The presentation provides an overview on the technology and analytical performance of a new true molecular point of care testing system without need for upfront specimen preparation, and the potential benefits resulting from its use at the point of care. The presentation also discusses key aspects to be considered prior to implementation at the point of care

CONGRESS 2023 - My early career Point-of-Care Testing experience

This presentation will include how her career progressed to a Point of Care Testing (POCT) role in the Wales Specialist Virology Centre. It will also cover what POCT is; the method of testing, who gets tested and why POCT is crucial in the efforts to achieve the WHO initiative to eliminate Hepatitis C in Wales.

Examples of what a day-in-the-life of a "POCT-er" consists of: mass screening projects, case studies, what has been learnt from testing in prison and in the community (homeless shelters and substance misuse services). The future of POCT: what's on the horizon?

CONGRESS 2023 - Managing blood stocks in a shortage

In 2022 the unthinkable happened - NHSBT was forced to declare an Amber Alert for red cells in England. But does that tell the whole story? This presentation will briefly examine the build-up to the shortage declaration but also consider its impact, provide evidence of the response within hospitals and consider the opportunities for future change in practices.

CONGRESS 2023 - Networks – how Greater Manchester is making it work for them

Networks – how Greater Manchester is making it work for them

CONGRESS 2023 - FMT/NICE guidance

Clostridioides difficile is responsible for the eponymous C. difficile infection (CDI). Faecal microbiota transplant (FMT), a NICE recommended treatment for recurrent CDI, is effective but logistic and safety concerns remain.

With the advent of non-donor derived products, the presentation will outline the principles and evidence related to correcting gut dysbiosis and explore whether there is a need for current or expanded FMT services in the future.