Science Council Lunch & Learn

Last updated: 21st February 2024

British Science Week 2024 Lunch & Learn events

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11th - 14th March 2024
  • Mon 11 March (12:00-13:00) speaker Prof Chris Jackson
    Chris is a Professor of Sustainable Geoscience and an active science communicator, featured recently in TEDx talks and the 2020 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures.
  • Tue 12 March (12:00-13:00) speaker Dr Hamied Haroon
    At the University of Manchester, Hamied combines his exciting research career in biomedical MRI with leadership work to improve the rights and opportunities for workers with disabilities.
  • Thu 14 March (12:00-13:00) speaker Dr Marie Oldfield
    Marie is a Senior Lecturer In Practice at London School of Economics. She works at the forefront of Ethical AI, driving improvement and development.

The events will also attract CPD accreditation from the Association for Accredited Learning | Accreditation

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