Events in 2024

Hong Kong Branch Annual General Meeting 2024

This is to announce that the 48th Annual General Meeting of IBMS (Hong Kong Branch) will be held on Friday 5th January 2024.

Practical Mycology Overview

A 2 day lab-based course where participants are taught how to identify a range of pathogenic fungi, including dermatophytes, Aspergillus, mucoraceous moulds, and some less common fungi Date(s) of Activity: 24-25th January 2024

Sheffield Virology Scientific Meeting

Come and join us on Sat 27th January 2024 10-5pm

Digital Specialist Diploma in Blood Establishment Transfusion Practice

An IBMS webinar introducing the New Digital Specialist Diploma in Blood Service Transfusion Practice

Biomedical Science conference 2024

A full day of presentations and workshops related to the Biomedical Science profession by IBMS leaders, practitioners and lecturers

IBMS Training for Trainers: Verifiers

At our next training for trainers event, Jim Taylor and Sue Jones of the IBMS will be giving information on the updated registration training portfolio (V5) and how to use OneFile.

IBMS Training for Trainers: Verifiers

At our next training for trainers event, Sue Jones and Jim Taylor of the IBMS will be giving information on the updated registration training portfolio (V5) and how to use OneFile.

Science Council Lunch & Learn

British Science Week 2024 Lunch & Learn events

HIS/UKHSA Foundation Course in Infection Prevention Control (IPC)

The course comprises 5 modules in an on demand, self-led learning format. The on demand learning will be supplemented a one-week programme of live online sessions consisting of online workshops and IPC clinics (Q&A/discussion sessions) with the presenting experts. This will take place over five afternoons in a designated week for each cohort*.

Modules covered:
Basics in IPC - including, isolation, hand hygiene, device-associated infections, respiratory viruses, HCID

Pathogen-based approach to IPC - including epidemiology of common pathogens and the use of typing in outbreak investigation

IPC in the built environment - including ventilation, water management, disinfection and sterilisation

Principles of surveillance and stewardship - including essential tools, surveillance of AMR and stewardship, surveillance applied to HCAI, using data for local action.

Leadership and managing change - including behavioural science, structure of IPC services, communication, sustainability

Estimated time requirements
On demand: Self-led-learning via eLearning platform: approximately 30 - 35 hours (over 6 months from the date of purchase)
Blended: Self-led-learning via eLearning platform: approximately 30 - 35 hours (over 6 months) and Live workshops and IPC clinics: 15 hours (over one week)

Microtomy – Improved Sectioning Focussed Webinar

A simple exploration of tips and practices that may not be commonly taught in modern training but may help provide an insight into the mechanics of sectioning and help resolve some difficulties encountered when sectioning.

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