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CONGRESS 2023 - What is new in hepatitis?

Despite effective treatments and vaccines viral hepatitis remains a massive burden on global health affecting the poorest counties disproportionately. Effective treatments and diagnostics for hepatitis remain outside the reach of most people in resource-poor regions.

In contrast, UK strategies against viral hepatitis have been relatively successful, in particular the prospect of HCV elimination, which is already showing improved outcomes in liver health.

Effective strategies depend on high quality epidemiological data which is gleaned from a wide variety of sources including diagnostic laboratory reporting, sentinel surveillance programs and prospective screening of high-risk groups.

The key components preventing transmission of blood-borne viruses such as donor screening, surveillance of susceptible groups and vaccination are now further enhanced by retrospective case finding from historical data, opt-out screening in emergency departments and high intensity test-and-treat events in prisons.

Biomedical Scientists can make a valuable contribution towards viral hepatitis management by sharing local-level data, enabling practical testing solutions for marginalised groups and working closely with clinical teams.

CONGRESS 2023 - Who lives in a papaya under the sea? SpongeBob Alloadsorption Pants! A Transfusion Laboratory Perspective of AIHA

Who lives in a papaya under the sea? SpongeBob Alloadsorption Pants! A Transfusion Laboratory Perspective of AIHA

CONGRESS 2023 - Workforce and sustainability – getting the equation to balance

The debate about performance and sustainability of our healthcare services is often reduced to a questions of money and beds are there enough of either? Both are back ups to the more important question - are there enough staff?

The size and complexity of the workforce challenge means there will need to be concerted and sustained action across the system on workforce planning, training, retention, productivity, job roles and creating workplace cultures - that demonstrates staff are valued. For our sector, action is needed both in the short term and the long term to support the workforce and meet the needs of our service and how this will meet the wider healthcare service for patients.

This presentation will look at how leaders at all levels need to work collectively to address our workforce challenge and how we can together take action at a local, regional and national level.

CONGRESS 2023 - A dual positive PLA2r and GBM patient

This cases study focusses on a paient that showed dual positivity for Anti-GBM and Anti-PLA2r antibodies. It will look at how testing was requested, the methods used for the investigations and how the results lead to the conclusions drawn.

It will also look at testing algorithms in the Immunology laboratory, related to these investigations and how these could be improved.

CONGRESS 2023 - A practical guide to serum free light chains – technical challenges and clinical utility

The analysis of free light chains in clinical laboratories to support the diagnosis and treatment monitoring of Myeloma has evolved over 6 decades. From urine analysis for Bence Jones Protein using gel electrophoresis in the 1950s to the launch of the first commercial assay for serum free light chain measurement in 2001.

This talk will describe the biochemistry of free light chains and the benefits and challenges of the different methodologies available in laboratories today. I will also describe the complexity of clinical interpretation of results, highlighting relevant national guidance, recently developed diagnostic tools for clinicians and testing advice for laboratories.

CONGRESS 2023 - A role with a difference – anatomical pathology technologist in a mortuary

A role with a difference – anatomical pathology technologist in a mortuary

CONGRESS 2023 - Albert Norman Keynote Opening Address

Albert Norman Keynote Opening Address

CONGRESS 2023 - AMR/CSO Diagnostic pathway change – Biomedical Scientist Perspective

AMR/CSO Diagnostic pathway change – Biomedical Scientist Perspective

CONGRESS 2023 - Bench to Bedside: Clinical Cases from an HSST

Bench to Bedside: Clinical Cases from an HSST

CONGRESS 2023 - Defining biomedical scientists in the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan - the IBMS plan

Defining biomedical scientists in the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan - the IBMS plan