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CONGRESS 2023 - Incident Management – MHRA expectations

Reporting haemovigilance incidents is vital to the ongoing learning from errors and improvements of quality management systems in transfusion. It is a statutory reguirement of the Blood Safety and Quality Regulations (2005) (as amended) and the data collected is used by both MHRA and SHOT to analyse and demonstrate key learning opportunities.

This presentation will give an overview of the legal requirements of the BSQR and the Good Practice Guide. Common isnspection findings will be presented and practical learning from SABRE reports will be shown. Common issues associated from reports received will be discussed and tips given as to how to improve the reporting of haemovigilance data.

CONGRESS 2023 - Introduction to the UKAS ISO 15189:2022 transition (Tuesday)

This session provides an overview of the key changes to the ISO 15189 standard and explains the UKAS transition process including deadlines and actions to be taken by accredited organisations.

The same session is being run on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday to ensure as many delegates as possible are able to attend.

CONGRESS 2023 - Is phenotypic visualisation of resistance needed to guide antimicrobial stewardship?

Following on from a talk given last year on the Precision AMR Project, this presentation will look at the incorporation of WGS and genotypic methods vs phenotypic methods and how they can impact on diagnostic laboratory practices, antibiotic reporting and prescribing.

This presentation follows on from the research on the Precision AMR project and discusses how this can be translated into routine practice. Also looking at potential new workflows that may be incorporated into laboratory's to support clinicians and infection control.

CONGRESS 2023 - ISO 15189:2022 and the impact upon delivery and maintenance of effective quality management within Point of Care Testing

ISO15189:2012 had reached its periodic review date and there was international consensus that it needed revision. The new version was published on 6th December 2022 and there are some key changes which include an emphasis on a patient-focused approach and to promote the welfare of patients - i.e. putting the patient at the heart of the service. There is also more emphasis on a risk-based approach to the Quality Management system. In addition, ISO 22870 (POCT) has been incorporated into ISO 15189:2022.

This presentation will review POCT definitions, highlight key considerations for currently accredited POCT services and also for organisations considering applying for accreditation to include (or extend) POCT in their scope.

POCT is referenced implicitly throughout ISO 15189:2022 and with additional distinct requirements as an Annex A.

The presentation will discuss generic POCT services, and highlight considerations on both current POCT services and also emphasise considerations for planning new POCT services, and that overall, when compared with ISO 22870:2016, things have not changed as much as one would think. Principles are similar, and POCT could even be considered as another specialty within pathology, regardless of where it is or managed from.

CONGRESS 2023 - Key skills for a supervisory role

There is a tendency to promote staff into supervisory roles and then allow them to find their feet on their own as the are faced with managing staff and taking on more responsibility. Departments tend to be very good and training these supervisors on how to perform tasks such as rotas, overtime payments, etc. but assume they have the necessary skills to mage and lead staff.

Often these supervisors look to role models from managers they have worked with or for and Tv (the apprentice, shudder) to help them developed their interpersonal skills. Sonic healthcare UK has recognized this as an opportunity to help with the development of all grades and has a novel training program to aid in supporting management and leadership skills. This will be discussed in this lecture.

CONGRESS 2023 - Learning and training support for the Certificates of Achievement

The IBMS Certificates of Achievement are designed as gateway qualifications to reflect the training needs of people working as Assistant Practitioners or Associate Practitioners in laboratory services.

In this ‘show and tell’ session designed for trainees, training officers, training managers or laboratory managers, we will outline the structure of the Certificates of achievement and give some information on the support and guidance that the IBMS currently offer for completing both parts of this qualification. We will interactively explore how the resources available as a result of our recent collaboration with LearnSci can supplement the existing training matter you have in your laboratory, to help you scaffold and deliver engaging, supportive and enjoyable training experiences to those completing this qualification.

We will also canvass the views of everyone present in this talk to better understand the needs of each group and to gain insight into the resources and support that attendees would find useful, to help the IBMS drive the evolution of this qualification by ensuring it remains relevant and useful to practitioners.

CONGRESS 2023 - Myositis


CONGRESS 2023 - Obstetric guidelines - what's new?

This presentation will:

Summarise the key points within the BSH guideines for blood grouping and antibody testing in pregnancy
Give an overview of the main updates to the BSH guideline for blood grouping and antibody testing in pregnancy

CONGRESS 2023 - Pathology Network Accreditation

Pathology services across the UK are increasingly working together as formal or informal networks, to support improved patient care.

This session provides an overview of accreditation options and considerations for pathology networks.

CONGRESS 2023 - Post-pandemic respiratory viral infections in hospitals

Post-pandemic respiratory viral infections in hospitals