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Blood Sciences Short Course 12/04/19

Five sessions comprising mainly lectures and some practical activities to assist with some elements of the IBMS Clinical Biochemistry and Haematology and Hospital Transfusion Practice Specialist Diplomas.

Blood Sciences Short Course 17/05/19

Five sessions comprising mainly lectures and some practical activities to assist with some elements of the IBMS Clinical Biochemistry and Haematology and Hospital Transfusion Practice Specialist Diplomas.

Blood Sciences Short Course 29/03/19

Five sessions comprising mainly lectures and some practical activities to assist with some elements of the IBMS Clinical Biochemistry and Haematology and Hospital Transfusion Practice Specialist Diplomas.

European Histopathology Forum April 2019

This meeting consists of 16 lectures, two workshops, a discussion forum and a trade show.
The first workshop will aim to give attendees an understanding of basic pathological processes, from cell degeneration, cell death to neoplasia and cell proliferation. The second workshop will aim to give attendees a greater understanding of antigen retreival, covering many of the the various techniques/methods currently available.

Haematinics and White Blood Cell Disorders May 2019

A day addition to the Blood Sciences Short Course to assist with Haematology and Hospital Transfusion Practice Specialist Diplomas.

IBMS Registration Portfolio Workshop June 2019

The workshop has been tailored to enhance your understanding of the IBMS Registration Portfolio requirements, from the perspectives of both the trainee and the trainer. It will help you recognise and select appropriate evidence for inclusion, offer constructive feedback to students who are completing a portfolio and provide greater insight into the verification process and follow-up for IBMS membership and HCPC registration.

Introduction to the Principles and Practices of working safely at ACDP Containment Level 3 February 2019

This course gives the delegate a systematic review of the facility design, operational practices and safety management which contribute to working safely in the CL3 environment.

Train the Trainer July 2019

A day long short course aimed at current or prospective trainers in diagnostic laboratories.

UK NEQAS Cellular Pathology Technique BMT workshop March 2019

This introductory workshop provides an introduction to the theory and application of specialist BMT techniques.

UK NEQAS Cellular Pathology Technique BMT workshop October 2019

This introductory workshop provides an introduction to the theory and application of specialist BMT techniques.