SHOT report webinar

Last updated: 30th June 2020

The Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) team are excited to announce the launch of the 2019 Annual SHOT Report via Zoom webinar!

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7th July 2020

The webinar is free to access and will take place on 7th July at 2pm (BST) (lasting approximately 1 hour).

The session will include:

  • A webinar presentation covering a summary of the 2019 Annual SHOT Report: This will include the headline data, highlights and key recommendations from the 2019 Annual SHOT Report (approximately 30-40 minutes)
  • A question and answer panel: Attendees will be able to submit questions using the ‘Q&A’ facility throughout the session, which will either be answered live in the webinar, or replied to by the panel of SHOT Specialists

Please note that the webinar has a maximum capacity, however we do not envisage this being breached. The webinar will also be recorded and available following the session, where it can be used as an educational resource.


To request an invite to attend this webinar please contact