Longer, better lives: IBMS response

Last updated: 28th November 2023
Longer, better lives: IBMS response

IBMS responds to Cancer Research UK's new manifesto which claims that 20,000 annual UK cancer deaths are avoidable

The new Cancer Research UK manifesto Longer, Better Lives sets out the measures and commitments the next government can make to help prevent 20,000 cancer deaths every year by 2040, when the number of new cases is projected to increase by around a quarter. That means around half a million new cases diagnosed each year. 

The manifesto sets out five missions as follows:

Mission 1 - Rebuild the UK’s global position in biomedical research.

Mission 2 - Prevent more cancers than ever before.

Mission 3 - Diagnose more cancers early.

Mission 4 - Bring innovation to patients more quickly and reduce inequalities.

Mission 5 - Build a national movement to beat cancer, sooner.

Cancer Research UK Chief Executive Michelle Mitchell OBE said:

We believe this is a realistic ambition. Now is the time to act and build on the success of previous decades where we’ve seen a doubling of cancer survival in the last 40 years. Now is the time to go further and faster.

The IBMS supports the manifesto and believes that the five missions are well chosen and align well with our Long Term Biomedical Scientist Workforce Plan -  a bold strategy that outlines how to meet many of the manifesto’s ambitions.

IBMS President Debra Padgett said:

It’s time pathology services are recognised as integral to all clinical pathways, and histopathology as a significant enabler of elective and cancer recovery. We must support and develop our cancer research and diagnostics sectors and services for the sake of our future patients.

The IBMS has outlined that in order to diagnose cancers earlier and reduce inequalities, better and more widespread use of appropriately qualified biomedical scientists, particularly in advanced practice, would help ease the increasing pressure on cancer care and histopathology services – by providing additional support to our medically trained colleagues.

To bring tests, treatments and innovations to patients more quickly, we also need to support the pipeline of talent - providing additional support and funding to train placement students and graduates for HCPC registration as a biomedical scientist.      

For more information, read our full Long Term Biomedical Scientist Workforce Plan here>>>

It's time for graduates to upgrade for 2024

HCPC Principles for Preceptorship