IBMS Fellow appointed President Elect of RCPath

Last updated: 12th May 2023
IBMS Fellow appointed President Elect of RCPath

Dr Bernie Croal, an IBMS Fellow, has been announced President Elect of the Royal College of Pathologists. His three years in office will commence in November 2023.

We are delighted to report that IBMS Fellow Dr Bernie Croal has been appointed as President Elect of The Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath). Bernie is currently also the president of the Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (ACB). We look forward to seeing Bernie pave the way forward for their members. 

Commenting on the new President Elect, Debra Padgett, IBMS President, says: 

“Bernie has done fantastic work at the ACB and served to bring ACB members' concerns into the wider context in pathology. I look forward to continuing to work with him in his new role as RCPath President. Coordination and cooperation between our professional bodies is currently vital to advance our respective workforces and maintain the highest standards within pathology. Together, we can help provide better patient outcomes.” 

Bernie will bring a wealth of insight to the role through his extensive clinical experience. Currently, he is an NHS Chemical Pathologist in Aberdeen, specialising in intravenous nutritional support. He also oversees laboratory services at the Cleveland Clinic in London. He has spent a long career in various leadership roles within NHS Scotland, and he is a fellow of the RCPath, Surgeons of Glasgow and the IBMS.

Bernie has provided the following statement:

“I am delighted and honoured to be elected as President of The Royal College of Pathologists.  
Pathology is more important than ever, and as President, I will work to ensure that the work of the College continues to be vital and relevant to members, and most importantly, to patients.   
As President, I will strive to ensure I represent all members across all 17 specialties throughout all stages throughout their career. I will make the case for the vital importance of pathology services in healthcare at every available opportunity.  
I would also like to thank my predecessor, Professor Mike Osborn. Having worked with him over many years at the College, I know he will pass on a College with a strong track record of raising the profile of pathology, partnership working and developing the College services that our members need. I thank him for all he has done during his time as President.” 

Through his extensive career working with professional bodies in pathology, we look forward to seeing Bernie improve collaborative ties between RCPath and the IBMS - supporting all of our members to deliver high quality healthcare for patients.

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