IBMS Manchester Branch: UKHSA Conference

Last updated: 27th February 2024
IBMS Manchester Branch: UKHSA Conference

The second annual conference, #UKHSA2023 brought together a range of people involved in public health and health protection science for speeches, panel discussions and exhibitions.

Topics ranged from pandemic preparedness to the health effects of climate change, emphasising the importance of vaccination and our collective responsibility in addressing health inequalities.

A number of UKHSA colleagues and IBMS members submitted posters detailing their research and projects completed over the past year. 

IBMS Member, Adam Hawker, attended in person along with colleague Mollie Joyce to represent the team that performed research into the risk factors and prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistant Microbes (AMRIC) in the English community.

Adam said: “We are so proud of what we contributed to this project. It is nice to share this with other healthcare professionals.”

Zonya and colleague Dr Andrew Birtles were also delighted to include their poster on bacteria time kill research they carried out as a vital precursor for the implementation of the new molecular diagnostic method in the enteric laboratory in their bacteriology department.

“Next time it would be great to provide an update on the progress of the molecular implementation,” said Dr Birtles.

Though in its infancy, the future of the UKHSA conference looks promising.

IBMS Manchester Branch: Congress 2023

IBMS Manchester Branch: Employer Engagement Event