#IBMSChat Special - catch-up now

Last updated: 29th November 2022
#IBMSChat Special - catch-up now

Our first audio edition of #IBMSChat sees Sustainable Lab Advocate Sheri Scott and editor of our magazine, Rob Dabrowski lead an intriguing discussion focusing on how we can make our labs greener.

If you missed our first live audio #IBMSChat, held via Twitter's 'Spaces', you can catch-up below. 

Greener Labs, Wednesday 23rd November 2022, 8-9pm
Background Information

With the UN’s climate change conference COP27 taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt this month and featuring highly in the news, the topic of discussion was sustainability in labs. Building on her session at the Biomedical Scientist Live event, Sheri provided invaluable insight on the environmental issues that labs face and the actions that can be taken to try to increase sustainability. With contributions from our President Debra Padgett, Chief Executive David Wells and members across the Biomedical Science community.

Tweet of the month...

In case you missed it, @BMS_Sacha shared this excellent 'Mind Map' summarising the main area covered throughout the chat... fantastic stuff Sacha... we can't wait to see more contributions from our chatters next month.

Join us for our next #IBMSChat via Twitter Audio Spaces...

We are delighted to confirm that due to the success of this trial audio event, December's #IBMSChat will also be held as a Twitter Audio Spaces event. 

Our topic of discussion will be 'Keeping up with CPD & registration with the Science Council'. Our co-hosts will be IBMS Professional Support Services Manager Christian Burt and Biomedical Science Course Leader and Senior Lecturer at Staffordshire University Ian Davies.

How to join and take part:

1. Open Twitter on your mobile phone or through your web browser.

2. To open the Space ...

  • via the Twitter app on your phone: the spaces available for you to join will appear at the top of your timeline, highlighted in purple circles – open the one for @IBMScience. Alternatively, you can click on the link in our pinned tweet.
  • via Twitter on your web browser: you can access the space by clicking directly on this link at the scheduled time slot - or by clicking the link in the pinned tweet that will be on our feed.

3. Once in the Space, you can request permission to speak from the host by selecting the ‘Request’ icon below the microphone.

Note: you can only speak via the Twitter app (this is not possible via Twitter on web browsers).

4. If you would like to post questions, you can do so as normal by tweeting to us @IBMScience using the ‘#IBMSChat’ hashtag. One of our co-hosts will then aim to read out and answer your question in the Space.

Note: Please make sure to mute your mic when you are not speaking to prevent any unwanted interruptions. 

The IBMS Spaces Chat will be available to listen to following the event and can be used for CPD. Members will receive information on how to access the recording after the event.   Read more about Twitter Spaces here.

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