
Pathology staff educate students at careers events

Pathology staff educate students at careers events
28 February 2017
Pathology staff attend engagement activities at Wigan and Salford

A team of pathology staff from Wigan and Salford attended a “Meet the Employer” afternoon event held at Manchester Metropolitan University on 8th February.

Second and third-year healthcare science students circulated around employers’ tables at 15 minute intervals to learn about vacancies, application procedures and typical ‘days in the life of’ for employees.

Team leader Julie Miller said:

“Although exhausting, the small group format allowed us to chat to many students on a meaningful level. We came away hopeful that some are now convinced that a career in Biomedical Science is for them.”

The second event was a school careers fair hosted at St Mary’s Catholic High School in Astley on 9th February.

Julie added, “This was no ordinary school careers fair though. With over 130 exhibitors attracting many of their 1600+ students, we were kept busy enlightening families to the wonders of Pathology.

Both events highlighted the general lack of understanding about pathologists and what we do, even amongst students studying Biomedical Science degree. It showed how far we, as a profession, still need to go before we are truly recognised for the important role we play in healthcare.”

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