IBMS Support Hub - Careers in Biomedical Science

Last updated: 24th June 2021

Join us for two special Support Hub career panels on Biomedical Science Day!

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24th June 2021
Opening Times: 12pm & 1pm
Venue: Online

support hub banner bmsday

To celebrate Biomedical Science Day, IBMS Support Hub is bringing you two fabulous career talks. Whether you are a Support Hub regular or new to the format - come along, ask questions & join the conversation! 

Both panels will be hosted by the Support Hub team:

Jocelyn Pryce, Tahmina Hussain & Mike Carter  

Spotlight on Specialisms:

Our illustrious panel discuss their various specialisms within biomedical science. Geared towards new graduates or anyone looking to further specialise. 

In conversation with - Sarah Pitt, Jo Horne, Chris Scott & Una Porter

View recording here >>> 

Paths in the Profession: 1-2pm 

We explore the varied roles and potential paths that are possible with a degree or experience in biomedical science. For anyone and everyone in the profession considering future roles and potential career paths in biomedical sciences. 

In conversation with - Sarah Pitt, Jo Horne, Anas Nasir, Hannah McGregor, Rebecca Reed & Una Porter

View recording here >>>

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anasnasir-biocardjo horne -supporthub

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