SHOT - Transfusing Wisely Webinar

Last updated: 5th December 2022

ease join us for our webinar where SHOT Working Expert Group members and representatives from the 4 UK Blood Services will provide an overview of Patient Blood Management (PBM) activities & share key learning points.

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6th December 2022

Winter is always a difficult time for blood stocks. Avoidable transfusion and inappropriate use of O D-negative red blood cells remain a challenge for organisations, particularly considering the recent Amber alert issued by NHS Blood & Transplant.

This 1-hour webinar is free to access and will include:

  • A 40 minute presentation about avoidable transfusion and inappropriate use of O D negative red blood cells
  • A 15 minute interactive Q&A session

An excellent opportunity for CPD through reflective practice with the following learning themes:

  • Avoidable transfusions in haematinic deficiency and inappropriate use of O D negative red blood cells reported to SHOT
  • Overview of PBM activities from all 4 UK Blood Services
  • Q&A with all presenters + UKTLC, PBM England and the National Transfusion Practitioner Network

This webinar is relevant to all healthcare professionals involved in transfusion and patient blood management nursing staff, laboratory staff, clinicians, transfusion practitioners, as well as haemovigilance and risk management specialists.

Register for the event here 

The Zoom link to the live event is contained in the registration email.

* *The event will start promptly, please join at least 5 minutes prior to the start**

You can also contact us directly to register by e-mailing